🐰Calling me cute is nice, calling me hot is great,
but calling me yours is all I want.😎💛💘

SBFIVE Official Goods:New Year Set Special Gift Photos

Sweet dreams💤

332 602

📷| 181231 AIS Happy Zeed Year

90 95


Wish Eat well sleep well,
get a better night's sleep this year.

Becoming more handsome everyday.

More happier & health,
be kind to yourself~

Achieve the goals U have set.
& Have a bright great future.


239 495

A late summary of the year...😂🤦🏻‍♂️
【About Fanart】
As I felt frustrated with drawing from last year.
Drawing TEeTEe is a big change for me..😂
Thx 💛 for helping me to overcome tough times & enjoy drawing again na~☺️☺️

48 105

There is only one good thing about not seeing you…
I can think of you💫❤️
Sweet Dreams💤

Event : 20181207 - Lacoste×Disney Meet & Greet with SBfive

219 349

|181212|~📷~|6MOONS FM|
卖萌属你最可爱啦(•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑

65 120

💛 💛
🍯 宝贝蜜糖 🎂呐!
㊗️新的一岁一切顺遂 天天开心鸭

58 105

🎂💛Dear TEeTEe,
The day U were born was a lucky day for us.
Thank U for everything that U are

Have a Happy Birthday~💛🎂

290 484

💛Happiest birthday to U !💛

This is a fulfilling year for me~.. 😂
I'm glad I have decided to start drawings for U 😆
Thank U TEeTEe ~

May your life be full of happiness, love and health
生日快樂!! 🎂🎂

191 289

Only I Can Change My Life, No One Can Do It For Me.
Be The Best Version Of U.😎🤟🏻

Event : 20181104 @ Elephant Nature Park 🐘

😴I believe U can angle your face like this someday😴(Dreaming
Reduce output for a while..🤦🏻‍♂️

157 311

U are warm yellow light that pours over everyone.💛⭐️☀️

Event : 20181107 RESTIER SCARF PILLOW @ Central Childlom

I still need some more time to get back into work mode ..😂😂
It is nearly dawn..
Good morning ☀️🤦🏻‍♂️😹

211 479

These are the draw cards about the Chiang Mai Party for , &
As those have been modified, I post the new digital ver. here😊

BTW, Thank U for your 'Thank U' na.. 💛😹

158 269

👼🏻We are each of us angels with only one wing.
And we can only fly embracing each other.💕

Event : 20181020 - ALAND Grand Opening

If there are more hours in the day…😂😂
I have to improve my time management ...🤦🏻‍♂️
Sweet Dreams💤💛

177 363

[Day4]🎓TEe JaRuji's Graduation Day🎓

Life is not about warming yourself by the fire,
life is about building the fire.
Generosity is the match.
If U want happiness for a lifetime,
help somebody else.


150 318