Lachlan: *gets up* Laugh while you can...

Unikitty: *spinning circles around Discord’s head, making him dizzy*

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Lachlan: *wedgies Master Frown* Dogs like me have very good hearing!

Unikitty: *tail whips Discord in the belly* And cats like me have super strong tails!

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Unikitty: For a chaotic person like Discord, the sight of his dimension is beautiful!

Lachlan: More beautiful than my butt? *he said as a little joke*

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Lachlan: *jumps directly in front of her, amazed by the sight of Discord’s dimension* Whoa! Check out this awesome sight!

Unikitty: Uhh... is the sight your butt?

Lachlan: Huh? *realises* Oh, heheh, sorry. *moves to the side to let Unikitty see the real sight of the dimension*

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Unikitty: That’s right!

Fluttershy: Hi Unikitty! What’s the group hug for?

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Unikitty: *runs to attack them, but Discord (now powered up) zaps her and knocks her to the ground*

Discord: Whoa, this power is so strong! I wonder what else we could do with it...

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Jimmy Neutron: 28. The Darkness - (Christmas Time) Don't Let the Bells End
Clover, Sam and Alex: 27. The Supremes - My Favourite Things
Rocky and Bullwinkle: 26. Stevie Wonder - What Christmas Means To Me
Unikitty: 25. Darlene Love - Winter Wonderland

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Fluttershy: So you’re actually both a cat and a unicorn?

Unikitty: *full of cake* That’s right! Hihihi!

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Unikitty: I had no idea you were such an awesome singer lil’ bro!!

Applejack: *to Winona* There’s my good girl!!

*soon, everyone entered backstage to congratulate “B-Bark”.

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Lachlan Dingo + Unikitty: Royal Rush: Last Story.


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Unikitty: Lookin’ at Master Frown.

Master Frown: *offscreen* Hey!

Fluttershy: Oh, and Discord, you teaching Lachlan about clouds having a silver lining as a positive expression, that was a really sweet fatherly thing of you to do.

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Applejack: Yeehaw! Would y’all look at them pretty sights?!

Unikitty: I sure am!! *clicking away with her camera*

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Unikitty: No need to thank me. My friends being safe and sound is thanks enough. Your name’s... Applejack, right?

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Unikitty: *purring* I told you girls, I’d never let anything happen to you.

*then, Applejack and Pinkie Pie arrive*

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Conscience: *grabs Unikitty* Oh, stop it! This isn’t the Unikitty I know! The Unikitty I know wouldn’t just accept defeat this easily! She would stand up to the forces of evil like she’s done a hundred times before back in her kingdom! And she wouldn’t lose!

Unikitty: But, I-

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Lachlan: *darts his eyes to Twilight’s flank, hinting that dogs do smell butts* You gotta. It’s what us dogs do.

Unikitty: *uses her ONE pass* Absolutely not. Never gonna happen!

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*they see Discord jump out of the ground*

Sweetie Belle: UNIKITTY!!

Scootaloo: BEHIND YOU!!

Unikitty: Wha-?! *she had no time to react*

*what the crusaders saw Discord do next was something they refused to see, something they couldn’t bear*

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Unikitty: *screams and kicks Discord in his face*

Sweetie Belle: *laughing* That backfired on him!

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Unikitty: *helps Ocellus to her hooves* Are you okay?

Ocellus: Of course, Yona accidentally squishes us all the time, we’re used to it, she’s actually lighter than she looks.

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