Kyle is ready to storm Area 51 🔥👽

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What's Jack thinking about? Perhaps an upcoming midterm? Which tier he'll choose in our Or maybe what they could be keeping at

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-Knoc knoc *Suena tu puerta*
-¿Quien es?
*Abres y encuentras lo de la foto*
-Vamos al ¿vienes?

¿Qué haces?

¿Os animais a un hilo con vuestras monturas para raidear el Area 51?
P.D: El perro se llama Rol y es un crack

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Turns out Jiren trained all these years to break out his gray brethren from That flashback from was a cover story!

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Hey friend! With all this talk of Area51, I didn’t want you to feel left out. Here ya go! 😁

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My motivation to break out my alien buds from vs my motivation to not get shot a whole bunch.

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Someone already made a waifu out of Area 51 itself so, why not the aliens themselves?

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Now, that’s an endgame for the guards in Area 51.. 😂😂

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I was dummy and forgot she had stockings

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at area51-con rn !!

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My alien taking me for a ride on his ufo he’s been hiding for decades after I rescue him from

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The alien i stole from

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me leaving with my alien boyfriend from

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