Meet Corrin: Fairy-Tale Star from the Fates game. Donning the clothing of the Ljósálfar, she aims to spread peaceful dreams and hope amongst the heroes of Askr. Log-in on February 29th, 2021, to have her join your barracks!

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He hecho otro dibujo de Askr porque es mi happy place ahora mismo y al guardarlo en la carpeta he visto el primero que hice de él en digital y wow amigues.

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Kiran/Summoner for Smash so that we can get the Askr Trio as playable characters. It’d be like Pokemon Trainer but with FE characters.

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Laevatein: "Hmm...what should I do next?"

This one has been benched for quite some time, but I finished this piece of Laevatein going through her to-do list after she joined the Order of Heroes in Askr.

So what do you think Book 5 has to offer for her?

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It's weird how similar the axes are. I think they only look similar because they're axes, and you can't deviate much from the axe design, but wouldn't it be cool if we got lore about Askr? Only downside is I have to look at Gustav again, but I'll take that sacrifice for lore

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Resplendent Wrys, Askr form! Second member of the squad done.

Fuck the memes, I sincerely love him as a character.

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This weeks issue of The Askr Times [#10]: New Chess Game-Mode, Ninja's, and Weapon Refinery Shenanigans.

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Norrette "Norrie" Fronseca-Almeraz

The daughter of Perius Fronseca and Melodisa Almeraz; a shy yet excitable woman who arrived in Askr unexpectedly. Would rather cause problems than solve them, but takes the leader role of the Order of Heroes with stride.

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Buen viaje

Una vez que la luz y el ritual acaban, la diosa le sonríe. "Este es tu nuevo camino, mi joven héroe. Hazme sentir orgullosa y encuentra la paz". Asintiendo, Askr camina hacia el horizonte mientras va desapareciendo hacia su plano.

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This weeks issue of The Askr TImes [#9]: Embezzling scandal, Resident Evil and 3 Houses Shenanigans. And special thanks to for submitting the Kiran Power of Anime story.

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El disparo final

Con otro parpadeo de la diosa, una flecha afilada y brillante atraviesa el cuerpo de Askr. Nada más hacerlo, el semiorco siente una calidez que no había sentido antes. Como si viniera de su propio interior.

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⁅A Hero believed to be a fairy tale⁆

►OC - Elijah Faredai
►Based on a <story> in Askr known as "The Chronicles of Eternia"
►The considered Paragon Knight and Light of the story

※Writer: SailorMayrune※

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Empieza con una llamada. Una fuerza tan poderosa que Askr no puede evitar sentirse atraido por ella. Esa...luz, esa...brecha a otra dimensión le está llamando.

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