I've had three people today, two of them completely independent of each other, tell me that Houdini can solve all of my terrain problems and create terrain like this easily.

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"Curly Gioconda"

A network of chaotically intertwining lines, surrealistically transforming into the world famous painting “Mona Lisa” by Leonardo da Vinci.

Available on

2 3

These! Though I only really remember Richter and Houdini , I'm currently binging the show on Disney + since uhh 2006?? So it'll be nice to see them all again!

1 54

Couple of screengrabs from my next animation mint. 🙏😇🙏Pushing my boundaries here with alot of new technique and colors experiments.

2 7

x crossover!!
Houdini Splicer Shimazaki, which is also commissioned by ! Thank you so much for trusting me with this idea, I enjoyed making this a whole lot!!🖤❤️

42 84

Hi hi I'm Honey a sugar kiss melon tasked to protect an enchanted garden!
And this is Houdini! He's an escape artist. He knows how to open and close cages and doors so there's no keeping him locked in or out of anything 😅

0 1

3D Organic Experiments in Houdini
3D Organic Experiments in Houdini

0 0

3D Organic Experiments in Houdini https://t.co/leW6PcDc8W

3 12

“The Houdini of Minecraft”
Had a lot of fun drawing this :D

1 0

minting more 3d renders!
get 𝚌𝚛𝚢𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚕𝚏𝚕𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚛 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚛𝚊𝚒𝚗 for only 1 $XTZ , 15/15 editions

made in Houdini, rendered in

7 9

Procedural Hard Surface Design With



8 109


「Tree Controller」ノードを使用し、「Tree Generator」で生成した樹木等をMapsBakerでベイクすると、画像の様にAOやthicknessが変な描画になって上手くベイクできない時がある。

「Tree Controller」ノードを使わないようにすると問題が解決する場合が多い。

5 8

IRONSKULL, one of my first renders in houdini, made back in 2018 is available now on as a limited edition of 5 https://t.co/uxSkypLu79

3 9

Procedural Hard Surface Design With

29 125

Houdini夜会3人目の登壇者は株式会社スクウェア・エニックス谷口 尚之 氏です!
講演内容は「HoudiniとUnreal Engine4を使って、地割れを表現」です!https://t.co/qSA2n4ig4c

47 179

Procedural Hard Surface Design With

13 137

Procedural Hard Surface Design With
Compiled Block内のFor-Each Block Endノードの Multithread when compiledがONになっていなかった…
ONにしたらMesh Shapenが5倍早く(1秒が0.2秒)なった…


7 29

| Fala pessoal! ⁚ ⁛ ⁚ ⁛ ⁚ ⁛ ⁚ ⁛ ⁚
Estamos trazendo hoje a primeira thread de uma série em que falamos mais sobre as nossas músicas e clipes, e a de hoje é sobre a grande ⋯ 🥁

https://t.co/C9CLb0LCqi ⊹ 🧙‍♂️

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