CONGRATS ENA!!! I’m kore and i draw mostly glowduo!! art moment is pinned :]

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heya i’m kore (a lesbian!!!) and i draw mostly glowduo !!

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CONGRATS CRYS!! heya i’m kore and i draw mostly glowduo n here are some of my arts!!

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Kore (designer MoiraAunty)
Kyra (designer Zoketchi)
Laidus (designer durpachu)
Larillis (designer ArtistiaCons)

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hi i’m Kore and i draw mostly glowduo!! my goal is 1.6k :]

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2. Wailord, gen 3
The evolution of Wailmer. They have 4 fins and bigger + stronger body! They look more similar to ARMY Kore than Wailmer

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3. Wailmer, gen 3
The whale pokemon! The normal type have a blue skin, while the shiny one have purple skin. Very fimiliar to ARMY Kore 🤭

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5. Korie 'Kore' Kassandra Miles

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Hello I'm Kore! I haven't been able to draw much recently, but I mostly draw dtkq/dnf ! I never really thought of a goal before,,, so maybe 50? I dunno, but thank you for this!

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Who doesn't want to be clip by Kore?

OF COURSE. MA'AM. please?

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Yeni Kore BL dizisi geliyor! 🌈

A Shoulder to Cry On webtoonundan uyarlanacak dizinin başrollerinin seçildiği ve iki oyuncunun da idol olduğu duyuruldu! Dizinin çekimleri Mayıs ayında başlayacak ve 12 bölümden oluşacak.

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Hi Kore! That would be super cool if you ever decided to pop by and clip me!

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always !!! i love your clips kore, you do an amazing job! i get up to some wacky stuff heeheehoo😳

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غلاف المجلد الخامس لمانجا Doushitemo hametsu shitakunai akuyaku reijou ga gendai heiki o te ni shita kekka ga kore desu المقتبسة من رواية خفيفة

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IDOL ⭐️🎤

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congrats on 900 noa!!! :D

guys i’m Kore and i post daily art of mostly glowduo and i’m very close to my goal of 1,555!!

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