Kore hoshiiiiiii 😭😭😭

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kore daaaaaa
dekitaaaaaaa XDD

6 65


霊障等々相談所&悪霊饅頭 | 日々是好日~Hibi-kore-yokihi~ https://t.co/7LhLupxTHe

2 3

new kore reference sheet 💜

397 3519

Mikarin : "Sometimes in Tasseography, we use tea leaves to determine our luck, let me see yours! Hm? MASAKA KORE TTE- TENSHI NANO KAI?!"

[Angel : Bearer of good news, especially in love. Sure happiness]

Tea Time date bareng mas Noah (anaknya ) 🍵💖

12 26

Idk I tend to like kore human esk digimon which is funny cause I tend to dislike very human Pokémon. https://t.co/eNFVjqeE3F

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NANI KORE😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣🤣

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