Resolvamos la duda.
XZ Nació en base a la nesecidad de alguien que fuera igual al xB de 2016-2017,alguien extrovertido, exagerado, con chistes tontos y edición informal, esto, debido a que el xB de 2018, era demacrado analítico, más tirado a filosofar, ser serio y hasta pedante.

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Nuevo de hace mucho lo posteo pero a penas lo retome me encanta su estilo, la mia parece demacrada

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Sobralia macrantha, by (English, 1803-1857), who died (July 9). Published in James Bateman’s The Orchidaceae of Mexico and Guatemala (1843). Source, ,

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🌟2019/07/06 新作 希少石バリサイト・ホワイトラブラドライトマクラメネックレス 💬新店にて新作マクラメネックレスの販売を開始致しました♪

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Michael MacRae bizleri tekinsiz çizimine davet ediyor.

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"Be Still", Michael MacRae, Digital, 2014

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Likes: bowling, piano, home theater
Dislikes: macramé, railfans

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Thank you! Im luna. Im Demi and while i do several genres, my favorite is fantasy/mythical! In two weeks my max price will be raised from $10 to $20 so grab a spot soon if you want one! DMs are open and my macrame info will be in reply to this comment!

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Heya, I'm luna! Im Demi, and while i work on several genres, my favorite is fantasy/mythical. In two weeks i will be raising prices on my digital drawings from max of $10 to $20. U also do macrame which i will post about below! DMs are open for discussion and commissions! :D

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Hello, my name is Luna. In two weeks i will be raising my max price from $10USD to $20USD but if we agree on something before that time then your max will still be $10USD, even if i work on the agreed piece after the change. I do digital and macrame. DMs are open to discuss

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Hello, my name is Luna. In two weeks i will be raising my max price from $10USD to $20USD but if we agree on something before that time then your max will still be $10USD, even if i work on the agreed piece after the change. I do digital and macrame. DMs are open to discuss

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Hello, my name is Luna. In two weeks i will be raising my max price from $10USD to $20USD but if we agree on something before that time then your max will still be $10USD, even if i work on the agreed piece after the change. I do digital and macrame. DMs are open for inquiries.

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Hey! I’m Hony Lavndr a micro macrame jewelry artist. I also make hoop earrings and crystal hangers.

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We still have a handful of hand-signed, limited edition Macra Terror Steelbooks in stock. You can find them here:

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creema craft party初日お越しくださいましてありがとうございました (∩ˊ꒳​ˋ∩)・*💓

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Couldn't make it to our Macra Terror Signing? We have a handful of hand-signed, limited edition Steelbooks available for worldwide delivery here:

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懐紙入れは特別展示用の作品としてお持ちいたします〜(੭ु ›ω‹ )੭ु⁾⁾♡❀.
ぜひお立ち寄りくださいませ〜٩(๑′∀ ‵๑)۶♫

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