I drew a mermaid. And a Nudibranchaid... cuz slug girls are best girls

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Finally took a crack at 's Sea Life of the Star Realm charms with Arya! Any chance to flaunt my favorite ocean creature: the Blanket Octopus!

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Jumping on the bandwagon for 's latest acrylic charms! Featuring Freya and her Leopard seal friend ✨

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The majestic and mythical "Mermule" 8x10, oil on board⁠
prints and stickers: https://t.co/pdGuwFz66h


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Histoire naturelle générale et particulière des céphalopodes acétabulifères vivants et fossiles (1835-1848) https://t.co/6fxm4eSGsJ

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The Arcana brings out new charms and I just had to draw an Aurelia charm, I drew her with Sea horses but halfway through I thought maybe an Axolotl would have been better...

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im bad at character design so i gave up on her but...some sort of sealife researcher whos willing to touch on shadier focuses for the grant

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I did some fanart of cute oc in attempt to jumpstart my creative juices!

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more critters
this time a horseshoe crab commission

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made me a lil DVa sea nubbins for my birthday, & while I am good at neither cute nor robots, I still wanted to return the sealife-based favor. So thank you again Krin! ovo I offer you this eely Mirage & a Happy Birthday ✨ Hope you have a good day!

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@ Deepsealife さんから指名をいただきました

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🐟 Daily Challenge 14! 🐠

Draw an amazing home for fish.🌿

Please share your drawings with us along with a description of what it is. Don't forget the hashtag, !🌟

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I’m missing the sea and lovely 😍 Here’s some reminders. Share to brighten someone’s day! I’m going to imagine and paint today! 😍❤️😍

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