Excessive consumption = excessive waste. Time to turn the lights out on plastic waste.

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Recycling is not going to solve the
Instead, the focus must be on reduction targets and developing reuse systems.

Tell the Canadian government that REDUCE and REUSE must be part of the Strategy >>> https://t.co/1Oj4psqDUq

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FAQ page for the website devoted to the problem of plastic overloading the modern world.
More design solutions for this project in our Dribbble portfolio.

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It was a busy / productive Monday evening for - two new “tainted love” illustrations coloured in for our Sea Life Art project....


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Have just coloured in one of my illustrations, this one is titled “a stringray meets a bin lid” ... Visit the website https://t.co/CaQsJqQxy4 for more fishy friends...

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This planet is not ours to trash, but it's ours to save.

Plastic waste threatens the future of all living things. Be part of the solution.

art commission by

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In case you needed further proof that plastic waste is toxic...

Our planet is suffering, the time for action is now.

Join our fight at https://t.co/YifAtyRCY4.

Via IG marciar5

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This is not a nightmare, we are eating our own plastic waste. When plastics enter our environment, they also enter the food chain, and eventually us.

Fix the system, break the cycle.

🎨 commission by

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2019 countdown of our biggest moments: cross-party politians signed our calling for a ban on the export of our to developing countries https://t.co/XibwnlJ7wR

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‘Plastic Beach’ highlights the environmental impact of plastic waste. Jonathan created the artwork from waste he found on a Cornish beach.

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Longest journey so far for the fragments of plastic waste.
Latest contributions to the Britain's Rubbish art project

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Online version of the recent I did for on written by - writer and ecologist and co-leader of the movement! You can read the article here; https://t.co/pJYMExuTPB

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