Practicando el proceso de para realizar dibujos rápidos. El objetivo no es que quede perfecto, es entender la estructura.

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Day 90 of the 100 day challenge set by ! Today’s words: “attitude”, ”synergy” & “behaviour”.

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🚣🌊Une barque pour relever le défi sur les habitats de

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You can share our free sketchnote resources with parents & learners, to support them with remote learning. Here's 2 on writing.

More at just click on ImpactPlus & sign up.

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Here is my contribution to , sending cheerful songs for the ones quarantined due to the COVID19 and all other sketchnoters .
Thank you for including me in this lovely project😊

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Pourquoi il ne faut pas fuir l'ennui ni vouloir optimiser son temps à tout prix. Un article sur

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Day 84 of the 100 day challenge set by ! Today’s words: “Grid system”, ”Colour palette” & “Variation”.

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Je rattrape encore mon retard !! Défi de Jours 20 et 21 -

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Until we can hug each other... I hope you have a special area at home to practise, lest you forget 😜 Sending a warm drawn hug to the (thanks, for the opportunity!)

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Je m’habille pendant le confinement 👚👖#Covid_19

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With taking a year off, we're looking back to simpler times and some of the best April Fool's Day pranks in history. (Source, by us).

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Team 2 on a roll! My kinder is thinking about connecting with love. 🥰

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