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Not me spending embarrassingly long time on toonme... 😅

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For the sparkles, here’s the app. ToonMe in apple App Store.

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Автопортрет образа на'ви для челленджа

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Me habia hecho este toonme hace como un mes jaja

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Joining a challenge on Instagram hosted by First_spring_flower. Had fun drawing my Na'visona or my Avatar. I might draw more of it. ☺️

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I haven’t posted in a while
Have a little me

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Anna x Luca! Fun to take part in the challenge 🌊💦 I drew this awhile ago after watching this awesome movie! Hope you like it! Have you watched it?

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Tried drawing myself as a Na'vi for a trend called ^^ Had fun doing this!

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New year same old trends 😇🥰

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