画質 高画質

"Te recomiendo mucho el que no te dejes llevar por las modas en la Pintura(...) Sigue siempre a Rafael en sus grandes cualidades y a Tiziano, van Dyck y Velázquez en la verdad y belleza del colorido, sin que por esto dejes de ser original"

José de Madrazo a su hijo Federico,1838

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GOR-ED is the thelepathic liaison working with KOR as well as he's a member of the Solar Cross.


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Fertig 💕 Nara aus "Federsturm" in der Phönixform. Hintergrund hab ich separat gemacht, weil ich mir bei der Farbe uneins war und es nicht versauen wollte 😂 es passt jetzt aber zum dunklen Verfall des Charakters.
Federsturm ist übrigens ein Fantasy-Roman von mir 😊

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The economic federation that is as slippery as soap on a tiled floor. Cartoon was published in the Star Newspaper

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Delta and Romeo
Romeo is a AI (artificial intelligence) created by the GUN federation as Delta's alternative weapon.
fan characters universe of

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A little drawing I made of my character Federy.

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Rakka from Haibane Renmei. Drawing using MS Paint with mouse.

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The Russian empire
The Russian Federation

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Don't miss my toon on Commerce Sec. Wilbur Ross and federal workers: https://t.co/U5XUxA8P4i

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You mean they won't just give it to you on credit like the President said?
See more at https://t.co/nFBz7RWHj2

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Arthur, here.
Federico Ginabreda's monsters are always interesting to see.
The trio I want to share have a 'light' to them, a special type of 'energy' and 'color'.
For more weird creatures, check out Federico's profile here: https://t.co/RPnkB3Ff4X

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HERE IT IS! The cover of my first middle grade book, THE MYSTWICK SCHOOL OF MUSICRAFT! I am utterly in love with this art; it captures the mood and magic of this story so perfectly!!! Art by Federica Frenna; the book will include her full-page interior illustrations as well!

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Best Brutal Fitness Force Friends Federation

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Walter Crane's Imperial Federation: Showing the Extent of the in 1886, published by Maclure & Co
here are shown? absent?

12 5

👉 Al la seu del s’hi pot veure una exposició dedicada a l’arquitecte tortosí Federico Llorca, enfocada a 7 Temples de culte catòlic ubicats a

Vine! Que l’entrada és gratuïta! 👌

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Day 21 of Pressure
Day 32 of the federal shutdown here in the States, causing undue pain for over 800,000 workers. Life is hard for too many.
Sketchfab link: https://t.co/OB6A16j21P

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Three powerful Federation Commanders including Ashtar himself from SKY GODZ Season 1 in one epic post.
Did I mention that you can aldo get coffee mugs now at: https://t.co/h4WomLhNvC

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BIGBANG won 2 awards in Hong Kong IFPI awards (International Federation of the Phonographic Industry)

2015: Bae Bae for Top Ten Best Sales Digital Releases
2016: Loser for Top Ten Best Sales Digital Releases

The legendary Made Series M did that!

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Candor is 700-year old commander of the Galactic Federation spacehip Azelda. She's originally from the third star of the Pleiades.

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