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Good eye, sir! It's been a while since I've made a mistake like that too. Easy fix

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Popeye,was created during the Great Depression to encourage people to eat spinach for high iron content.

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Mosquitos! How can something so horrible look so beautiful. Wing, egg surface, eye, antenna.

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Judi day 5: new eye, nose ears and skin. The road is long and sometimes loops

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If the artwork has really caught your eye, you're in luck! We've got prints at http://t.co/V3SeTupbTm.

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Anime-like eye, drawn with my tab. I think i'm getting a hang of this *bangga*

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Pak Beye, Stop Pura-Pura Tolak UU Pilkada Dong! http://t.co/4X0djJPSTT

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Robert Hooke–born OTD 1635–described a fly's eye, a plant cell, a flea, a louse…in his huge & wonderful

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Battle 009
(Retweet) for Green Arrow, the modern robin-hood
(Favorite) for Hawk Eye, the guy with a mile eye

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El nombre del personaje Popeye, creado por E. C. Segar en 1929, proviene del inglés «pop-eye», 'ojo saltón'.

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a fast painting of eye, very fast

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Uncanny Avengers: Bullseye, Rogue, Thor, Sunfire, Wasp, Captain America, Wonder Man, Wolverine & Scarlet Witch

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This beautiful folktale illustration bought a tear to my patriotic little eye, made by http://t.co/DAU1lrfB

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