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You may hold my hand for a while, but you hold my heart forever. Tag the person you love ❤

Love is Love Rainbow Bear / Buy Now and support the artist 🛒 https://t.co/6dQyH33G0w

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Last night one of our best and most loving staff members passed away after dealing with systolic congestive heart failure for the longest time, and this morning our server woke up with tears in our eyes. Evie, we all love you and will always remember you. Rest in peace

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by Mike Franchina https://t.co/jg5dlyQmOJ

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Too much of a good thing doesn’t apply to kindness. Spread it far and wide ❤️🌎

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Primus est Apostolis by Mike Franchina

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Travel and tell no one, live a true love story and tell no one, live happily and tell no one.
People ruin beautiful things.

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佐咲紗花の『CHIASTOLITE』、アルバム『Atlantico Blue』の13曲目。

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Lascia andare chi vorresti che restasse con te a tutti i costi perché non è forte chi trattiene di più ma chi capisce quando è il momento di mollare la presa.

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La realtà mi ferisce quando scopro che l’unico lieto fine 🏰🤴 che io conosca è 🤔 l’orgasmo.🤭😳😭

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Update -- Square Enix confirms they have closed Studio Istolia and cancelled Project Prelude Rune: https://t.co/t85TEAx0VO

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Oggi si celebra: Santi Filippo e Giacomo Apostoli https://t.co/YeJ319veQQ

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