画質 高画質

“No one saw the Mountain die, and no one saw his head removed. That troubles me, I confess…”

-Nymeria Sand

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<今後の展示>Kamerian.展「Fugly land」'15/6/22 〜 6/27@ヴァニラ画廊展示室B  http://t.co/SAPa7IEQTs

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Our Peacocks & Admirals collection was inspired by scientific illustrator http://t.co/K4OPZUWWl0

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Have you heard of She Inspired our Peacocks & Admirals range http://t.co/K4OPZUWWl0

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Cymeriad Lleol / Personaje desde Gales / West Wales Character

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Love Cryptomeria japonica 'Cristata' and the fasciation effect😄

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"Alstromerias." by Carp Matthew , for sale on http://t.co/BfDpS8pDVe

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Behold, the Cimmerian Boar! What's that? It was a bull that Conan fought? Well, I'm not starting over...

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New gouache illustration, Gary the Cimmerian, for the Foe Gallery Gargamaniacal Show; http://t.co/3k4bvGQFgb

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傑特我不睡覺啦————噠!【【【It's Ameriac that has always guarded the world's peace and freedom!【【【☜這台詞真的好羞恥wwwwwwwwwwwwwww【二日完成

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マリア・ジビーラ・メーリアン(Anna Maria Sibylla Merian)17世紀ドイツに生まれた画家であり自然科学者。昆虫の変態の様子を植物とともに克明に描き、虫は土から生まれる悪魔の生物という当時の考えからは異端視された。

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Work in progress: extracts from the life of St Meriadoc. 14th C for

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通販予約を開始致しました。 / Alstroemeria Records | POP | CULTURE 2 http://t.co/m4PETznCfg

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The white thing lay facedown in the mud... Rise, she thought. Rise and eat and run with us.


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