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Yesterday during the news they talked about and named some bullshit like 'global state of emergency' or 'world threat'.

so now when someone coughs i have the perfect excuse to be like

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d5 —— 31.01.2020
Diary of Wuhan under quarantine.
Honor to help illustrate & translate.

Today mom felt like she was running a slight fever... but I had broken the family mercury thermometer 2 days ago. We can‘t measure her temperature...

48 73

• „Coronavirus: WHO ruft Notstand aus“
• „Klimawandel: „Das Schlimmste bereits in Gang gesetzt““

6 16

Guys please remember to wear a mask like Lanzhan when you're in public! Stay safe from  and Lanzhan loves you! 💖💖💖😷🙏🙏🙏


1 4

a friendly reminder everyone! Drink plenty of liquids and stay hydrated everyday. Boost your immune system. Stay safe everyone! (edited)

3 14

Stay healthy and safe from Wangxian!💕

1 7

The 2 dangerous pathogens China is trying to contain... cartoon in fabulous print in today's NZH and premium online here... https://t.co/Xk6m8oOqw8

9 26

Ilustración sobre coronavirus para prensa.

Coronavirus illustration for press.

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From to to crap to 💣 🕰 🖼 🧝‍♂️

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The selfish just refuse to lock down until it’s too late. Risking lives of all citizens from Shame on you.

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Seriously? gov saying that you can reuse surgical masks by steaming them? For real no

1 1

Don't Don't be Ya'll should be alarmed. Have you heard of the saying that is better than cure?

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L'ottimismo contagioso
Oggi su

15 42

partial border closure amid Wuhan crisis too little, too late

339 450