4/ 2020 is beginning with /#COVID2019 outbreak in China. I also start to focusing my art on the devastated situation in via my drawings
and new project of —— https://t.co/5Dg6K9dGcN

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2/2 d14 —— 09.02.2020

“I really hope that the "patriots" in the great fire wall can realize that all these "sacrifices" can be avoided. Putting on a show to celebrate those "sacrifices" all teary eyed is vicious and dangerous.”

18 21

1/2 d14 —— 09.02.2020
Dairy of Wuhan under quarantine.
Honored to illustrate it.

“Recently, several schools have been expropriated as temporary quarantine locations. How to handle and store the students' property is a huge problem. ”

34 33

2/2 d12 —— 07.02.2020

Today I have been playing Kay Tse (Xie Anqi 谢安琪) ’s song “My Country’s Tomorrow”[家明]
Every time I listen to this album “many stand firm no matter how overwhelming the forces arrayed against him”

15 26

1/2 d12 —— 07.02.2020
Diary of Wuhan Quarantine
Illustrate&Post for a friend

"I have cried twice since the Wuhan epidemic began. 1st time was when one physician punished for “spreading rumors” I cried again yesterday evening because he has left us"

64 145

2/2 d10 —— 05.02.2020
Diary of Wuhan Quarantine

"I saw a video about an apparently infected and needing to be quarantined young mother who kept telling her young daughter there in the room with her, in a sobbing tone, to “Stay away from me” ."

13 20

1/2 d10 —— 05.02.2020
Diary of Wuhan Quarantine
Illustrate&Post for a friend

"I can only prepare by assuming the worst intentions & the worst case scenario...I went through all our household stocks , even all the ingredients usually used for baking."

26 39

1/2 d9 —— 04.02.2020
Diary of Wuhan Quarantine
Illustrate&Post for a friend

"For just a moment, I thought it was just ordinary weekend, as if I could, after washing up getting dressed, go out with friends to have a meal & catch a movie."

11 36

2/2 d7 —— 02.02.2020

This helplessness is happening right around me - my friends, my family and those acquaintances I've called "uncle" and "aunt" - I could even feel their gasp when they were having trouble breathing.

21 30

1/2 d7 —— 02.02.2020
Diary of Wuhan under quarantine
Illustrate&Post for a friend

He jumped off the Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge. This is not the first suicide I've heard of these days... They have been living individuals, not just numbers.

59 77

d5 —— 31.01.2020
Diary of Wuhan under quarantine.
Honor to help illustrate & translate.

Today mom felt like she was running a slight fever... but I had broken the family mercury thermometer 2 days ago. We can‘t measure her temperature...

48 73