画質 高画質

Una gran alternativa a
Genial ilustración del gran

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Masamune (ikémen sengoku) & Leonardo da vinci (ikémen vampire)
Character Design : Yamada Shiro


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"La belleza perece en la vida, pero es inmortal en el arte". (Leonardo Da Vinci)

🎨 https://t.co/kFMag1v7sC

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Le crowdfunding ": décodé" a dépassé le cap des 150 %. Merci ! Au cap des 200 %, les cents premiers participants à avoir contribué à hauteur de 16 euros et plus recevront une édition numérique du catalogue. https://t.co/ZUFrJ7kHoc

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In the 18th century, the Leonardo notebooks were rediscovered in the and their influence was profound. For example, William Hunter’s study of the gravid uterus, also on display T3D exhibition 7/14

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500 Jahre Leonardo da Vinci

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Raphael the Prince of Painters (from my old project Renaissance Museum)
a.k.a Leonardo fanboy ...or fake prince according to our Michelangelo :U

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Robin is also giving a lecture as part of the , about depictions of the heart from Leonardo to the present day: https://t.co/yxdsnww36O

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The have taken a good look and had a nice think about our new exhibition, Thinking 3D: From Leonardo to the present. https://t.co/Zh4VfhWaYu

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Toi aussi découvre la vraie beauté, participe au autour de l'exposition "Boucq : Léonard de Vinci décodé" au Musée de la franc-maçonnerie. https://t.co/ZUFrJ7kHoc

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「Once Upon a Time in Hollywood」ブラピ&レオW主演、奇才タランティーノ監督映画🎥凄いキャスト✨

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On sautille sur la lune : on a dépassé le premier objectif du crowdfunding "Boucq : Léonard de Vinci décodé" autour de l'exposition au Musée de la franc-maçonnerie. https://t.co/ZUFrJ7kHoc

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500 Jahre Leonardo da Vinci

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Flex your flexor digitorum profundus tendons and your cerebellum with an anatomy still-life drawing class this Saturday 23 March, There are still a few places left. https://t.co/Xlx8R3jxFa ^km

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one of the most shocking works in Thinking 3D exhibition is William Hunter's 1775 of the Human Gravid Uterus.

Learn how the physician to the Queen took inspiration from newly uncovered Leonardo drawings in article:

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