Jacopo Bassano, 1542

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20 115

Studies of a greyhound (1563) by Federico Zuccaro (1542-1609)

6 26

Jacopo Bassano’s Adoration of the Kings (1542), Guercino’s The Virgin & Child (c1615) & Giovanni Battista Pittoni’s (1725) The Apotheosis of St Jerome with St Peter of Alcántara & a Franciscan. The historic-style hanging of works in the museum add to their dramatic qualities.

0 5

La speranza è quella cosa
piumata che si posa sull'anima,
canta melodie senza parole e
non smette mai.

Emily Dickinson

🎨Giorgio Vasari "La Speranza" (Particolare 1542)

11 22

Hans Sebald Beham, The Labors of Hercules: Hercules Shooting Nessus, 1542 https://t.co/xmuKL9QT5Z

1 5

⚠️ KAM1 & MEGAM1 Giveaway ⚠️

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This weekend I will be giving away both a KAM1 and a MEGAM1. There will be two winners, one for each asset. KAM1 will go to winner and MEGAM1 will go to winner

GL all

29 37

A band-aid makes for a fitting to a knuckle sandwich, no?

(1542x Streak!)

4 25

J48BAFORMS a MONOCHROME GANFORM form bought for 0.16 $ETH (492.1$) by 0x7b1542 from sad_CLOWN.

2 23

16 avril 1542
François Ier nomme J.-F. de La Roque de Roberval son «Lieutenant-général au pays de Canada». Sa mission: répandre la foi catholique et fonder églises et villes. Il arrive en juillet à Cap-Rouge, qu’il nomme alors France-Roy, et commence l’installation de la colonie.

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