あたしピンチ1546、1547、1548。まずはおまけ漫画からお楽しみください。モブキャラのイーグルマスクが見せる熱いバトルにご期待♪彼に問われるのは予想以上に過酷な覚悟だよねネルウァさん?|ω・ )

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Style of Cornelis Anthonisz, another view of Henry VIII of 1538-1548 (Rijksmuseum)

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Day 1548 - Himiko Shinobibe from Super Demon Hero Wataru! Megumi Hayashibara has voiced many roles including this squee little ninjabug from a kids show!

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“The human heart has a tiresome tendency to label as fate only what crushes it. But happiness likewise, in its way, is without reason, since it is inevitable.”
― Albert The Myth of and Other Essays

Sisyphus, 1548 by Titian

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Detail of an illustration from Yumi Tamura's BASARA manga cover (vol 7). Kazan's helmet with red horse tail


"A Roman Soldier", a drawing (1548-49) by Francesco Salviati. Collection of The British Museum, UK.

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Καλημέρα Leonardo Grazia (1502 - 26 June,1548) was an Italian painter..the holy family with the infant saint john,a landscape with saint jerome beyond

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art gm from deezevault

Chromie Squiggle by

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Gm. Sisyphus by Titian (1548)

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Are you working too hard on non-creative tasks in the studio, and spending less time making art than you'd like? What are some ways artists can get more easel time by streamlining other jobs? (Image: "Sisyphus", Titian, 1548-9)

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Sísifo (Σίσυφος)
Tiziano, 1548
Museo del Prado

Sísifo, rey de Éfira y condenado por Zeus a hacer rodar con su cabeza y empujando una gran roca cuesta arriba, que continuamente se precipitaba hacia abajo, por haber revelado que Zeus había secuestrado a Egina.

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Les artistes aime bien les scènes de bain pour des raisons évidentes, mais c'est la première fois que j'en trouve une mixte, en même temps c'est une peinture plus tardive (1597)
-Hans Sebald Beham, 1548
-Albrecht Dürer, 1496
-Jan Gossaert, 1520

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(続き)天文 17年 (1548) 五峰(王直)の烈港(浙江省)が攻撃され、逃れて海賊組織を結成。後期倭寇として海賊行為を繰り返した。松浦隆信は倭寇になった五峰(王直)等明の商人や明の倭寇(後期倭寇)は平戸に多く在住したが黙認していた。

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ฝากผลงานคอลแลปกับคุนวิว MaYa1548 ด้วยนะคะะะะ ปจบ.กลับมารับงานเป็นรายเดือนเรียบร้อย //รายละเอียดติดต่องานอยู่หน้าโปรเลยค่าา💖

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Funky Tiger Mob
Mint Price: 20 FTM on the Fantom Opera Blockchain

Some of the best art on the chain

Win a Funky Tiger with today!

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+49分 (1時間49分)


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