Hello friend saturn doy😍

1752 💜🚀

thank you so much 😊

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➤ “La muerte de Jacinto”, Giambattista, 1752-53, ©
➤ El tema está extraído de Las Metamorfosis de Ovidio (libro X), donde se narra el fatal desenlace de los amores entre el dios Apolo y el mortal Jacinto

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Robert Tournières (17 June 1667 – 18 May 1752) was a French painter TOURNIÈRES.

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今日は、した日。有名なお話で1752年、 ベンジャミン・フランクリンが、凧を用いた実験で、雷が電気であることを証明すね。彼は、数々の名言も残しています「Time is money (時は金なり)」も、彼の名言のひとつです。五反田、器

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Doodle Bear SOLD! Price: ◎0.69.

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“La pastora” es una pintura Rococó del artista francés Jean Honore Fragonard creada en 1752.

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The Setting of the Sun, 1752 by François Boucher.

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The Rising of the Sun, by François Boucher (French), 1752,

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Ici, un décor éphémère de 1752 attribué à Servandoni à l’occasion des festivités de la guérison du Dauphin (1729-65, père des Louis XVI à XVIII), qui avait attrapé la petite vérole.

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Jean-Frédéric Schall (French, 1752 - 1825)
A young lady in a garden, holding a garland of flowers
oil on canvas
42.6 x 33 cm
(16.8 x 13 in)

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Staatsgalerie Stuttgart ②
by Jacopo Amigoni

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Jean-François de Troy  -  The Judgement of Paris,  1734  WGA23085.jpg.
French, 1679-1752 
Oil on canvas

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The Reunion of Cupid and Psyche, 1793
by Jean Pierre Saint-Ours (Switzerland, 1752-1809)

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New artwork for sale! - "Elephant and rhinoceros, drawn from life in 1752" - https://t.co/NudOae2vJu

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