Birds of the park: Genera avium, by P Wystman, 1905...... .....

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Montagne Sainte-Victoire and the Black Chateau, 1905

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Saetta il suo sguardo di sotto il cappello, al modo di un ritratto entro la propria cornice.
Charles Baudelaire

Giovanni Boldini
- La divina in blu, 1905 ca.

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Aunque no es una pintura sobre la en sí, "La cadencia del otoño" (1905) de la artista vinculada al Evelyn de Morgan narra el paso del tiempo desde la colorida primavera hasta los sombríos otoño e invierno. En el centro, el verano.

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André Devambez, Au café 1905 / La Buveuse d’absinthe / Les Projets pour l’année prochaine / Les Incompris 1904 dans "André Devambez. Vertiges de l'imagination" ⬇️

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Fico extremamente feliz, Nádia 🎀
Que continue essa sua sensação de felicidade por todo o dia 💖

Maurice Denis, The Dancers (também conhecido como Eternal Summer, Wiesbaden), c.1905

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1905 Man Reading (Sebastino) - John Singer Sargent, American painter

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"The Green Gown" 1905

by John W. Alexander (1856-1915)

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Thanks to Larsson we have a tremendous record of the life of a creative family. His wife was an accomplished interior designer. Lisbeth Reading (1904), My Eldest Daughter (1904), Evening Meal (1905) & Karin by the Linen Cupboard (1906)

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Γεννήθηκε στη Ρωσική Αυτοκρατορία και σε ηλικία 10 ετών μετανάστευσε με την οικογένεια του στις ΗΠΑ. Το 1905 ταξίδεψε στην Ευρώπη, όπου σπούδασε στην Ακαδημία Τζούλιαν στο Παρίσι και εξοικειώθηκε με το έργο μοντερνιστών.

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Did you know the Japanese word "ōkami" is a homonym for “wolf” and “great god”? The last wolf in Japan was killed in 1905, but since the 1990s, there have been groups advocating for reintroducing wolves to help mitigate the damage caused by deer and wild boars.

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陸軍記念日(3月10日 記念日)

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