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Vasily Kandinsky, Joyous Ascent (Fröhlicher Aufstieg) from Masters' Portfolio of the Staatliches Bauhaus (Meistermappe des Staatlichen Bauhauses), 1923 https://t.co/410lywLFvM

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Today we wish Happy 100th Birthday to the , who were formed on this day in 1923!

The Italian Air Force have been huge supporters of the Air Tattoo since first appearing in 1976, bringing a huge variety of aircraft over the decades, with their display appearances… https://t.co/s39RRdMhte

29 285

Those who come He shall cause to take root in Jacob;
Israel shall blossom and bud,
And fill the face of the world with fruit. Isa. 27:6

Cicely M. Barker (1895-1973)
The Pear Blossom Fairy, 'The Flower Fairies of the Spring', 1923
Apple Blossom, 'A Flower Fairy Alphabet', 1934

1 30

My Mam recalls her Da throwing the Means Test Man out of their flat when he began pricing up their few possessions to assess his dole entitlement. A hated system which sparked large protests especially in the North East & S. Wales.

Miners Meeting by Charles M. Jones (1923-2008)

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「1923:コットンクラブ」は、1920年代のニューヨークでクラブを経営し、街で最も成功したクラブにする、ワーカープレイスメントゲームです。4400円   https://t.co/thYW2rOpsL

1 3

Cruda, realista, dolorosa, cruel, agresiva, bonita... La he devorado, y en este momento, estoy con las emociones a flor de piel 🥺
He disfrutado mucho
La serie en general y los personajes fabulosos, especialmente el de Isabel May, inmensa.
Deseando continuar con

1 8

J. Lavery 🇮🇪 The Red Rose " 1923

Quel fascino indefinito che in una donna è ciò che il profumo è per il fiore, ciò che il sapore è per il frutto.


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... Prussiana de Artes. . Um ano antes, em 1923, já havia sido aceito na Secessão de Berlim. A sua obra inicial, de dimensão considerável, não poupou críticas às condições sociais vigentes e caracterizou-se por uma interpretação idiossincrática da Nova Objetividade,👇

1 7

오늘의 파랑. 에이나르 졸린의 1923년작인데 간결하면서 귀엽다.

9 32

「1923:コットンクラブ」は、1920年代のニューヨークでクラブを経営し、街で最も成功したクラブにする、ワーカープレイスメントゲームです。4400円  https://t.co/TV05fEGbz5

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スペイン・バレンシア出身の後期印象派画家 ホアキン・ソローリャ(1863〜1923)の絵すごく好きだな 海辺、強い陽の光と陰影、布や肌の質感や匂いまで伝わってくるようだ

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「アノ チュー チュー 


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Princess Nah-ee-lah of Laythe, the titular Moon Maid from Edgar Rice Burroughs' 1923 novel

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「1923:コットンクラブ」は、1920年代のニューヨークでクラブを経営し、街で最も成功したクラブにする、ワーカープレイスメントゲームです。4400円  https://t.co/TV05fEGbz5

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