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Day 20
Priest's novels! her writing style is gold, they should get more love! her novels are not just about romance but with awesome plot too. some of them have/will have drama adaptations and 2 will get a donghua. i see very few people talking about them 😩
Dia 20 - Um mangá BL que merece ser mais conhecido
Raion Gotoki no Kuni kara
Day 11: Your fave BL cover
I adore this beautiful cover artwork of カッコウの夢 by @tmku1. I think it’s unique that neither of them are the main character but his love interest. ためこう先生の『カッコウの夢』の表紙は両方とも主人公じゃないのが面白いと思う。
Day 19: A BL manga that would be good for a live-action adaptation
Ore no Aoharu wa Watasanai, by Katou Susu
Honestly, the best BL adaptations in Japan that hold my attention are always the comedic ones. I want more BL live actions like that!
Dia 19 - Um mangá BL que você acredita que daria um ótimo dorama
Ore no Aoharu wa Watasanai
(KATOU Susu)
Day 19 of #31DaysOfBLChallenge
A BL I think you make a good live action is God is Probably Left-handed by Mushiba. This one I love more for the story outside of the romance and might make a really interesting movie 🤔
@blymeyaoi 19. Haven't read it in full but as a semi-supernatural police procedural, easily Takahashi Hidebu's Stigmata. It even starts seinen.
Day 18: A bl from your country
Lebre & Coelho, by Alec
Repeating my choice from last year, Lebre & Coelho is really sweet and funny so I would definitely recommend it.
Day 18 of #31DaysOfBLchallenge by @blymeyaoi: Recommend a BL comic from your country!
@QuarvalEmi's "Slyboots" / "Cwaniar" - not really a BL story, but it has a nicely drawn and attractive queer themes!
Day 17: A BL manga from the 2010s that you like
Shinjuku Lucky Hole, by Kumota Haruko (2012)
@blymeyaoi 17. A cruel "free space" question, but a funny recent conversation decides this one:
Unfated (rough TL) by Akimoto Yoshi
Day 16: a BL manga you don't like the art, but still enjoy reading it
Perfect fit, by Thanat
it's not really a surprised that i don't like Thanat's art, but this manga is so cute, it's probably the only manga from her that i like
these eyebrows, I CAN'T
Day 16 of #31DaysOfBLChallenge
A BL that I didn't like the art but really enjoyed reading the story is To Take an Enemy's Heart by Yusa
#31DaysOfBLchallenge 16 - don't like the art but do like
I found the character designs in This Is Love to be kinda too cute/rounded for my tastes at first, but I wound up loving the series 🌈
Day 16
Jazz for Two. in the beginning the art is kinda ugly and the heads are so off, but you can see an improvement while reading. still the story isn't as good as ever1 says it is. i think it's a lil overrated. but it's still a nice read
@blymeyaoi @WKotori @DangoPL Day 16 of #31DaysOfBLchallenge by @blymeyaoi: A BL manga you don't like the art of, but still enjoy reading it
Tsukimura Kei & Itsuki Kaname "Koi ni nare!"
Okay, I'm cheating a bit here - it's not that I don't like the art as a whole, I just fell it's quite... stiff & unnatural
Day 15: BL manga that you didn't like in the beginning, but ended up liking later
Sleeping Bug, by KYOYAMA Atsuki
I didn't get the point of the story in the beginning but then it got really good after the chapter 2.
Dia 🗓️ 15
Confesso que no primeiro capítulo, eu me arrependi de ter comprado o Dia Game da Kotora Byaku lançado pela @editoranewpop, mas depois o enredo ficou muito interessante e gostei bastante do final.
Ainda bem que comprei!
#Desafio31DiasDeBL #31DaysOfBLchallenge
@blymeyaoi @WKotori @DangoPL Day 15 of #31DaysOfBLchallenge by @blymeyaoi: A BL manga you didn't like in the beginning, but ended up liking later
Niyama's "Sonna ni iu nara daite yaru" / "Pod przykrywką"
Day 14: A BL manga that is your guilty pleasure
Alpha Squadron Al-Ranger, by HIRADUKA Town