The same goes for the

We will no longer RT all the answers, but everyone is welcome to check the answers in the hashtag ^-^

And if you're doing the challenge only now, that's okay too!

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Thank you for everyone that participated in the

We tried to keep up with all the answers and we hope you had fun!

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Day 31
My newest BL obsession is Boys of the Dead by Tomita Douji. Zombies, BL, and amazing art.... what could be better 🧟‍♂️🧟‍♂️🧟‍♂️

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Day 31 of by : A BL manga that you couldn't fit in any category of the challenge

Amamiya's "Blue! Blue! Blue!"

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Day 30
Nevermore 😊 enemies to lovers is one of my favourite tropes

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30 - w/ fave cliche

I can't say why exactly I'm recommending Midday Moon here without spoiling it a bunch. But if you're looking for something similar to the flavor of douwata from xxxHolic, you should check it out.

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30. In the Afterlife Could I Admit My Love (Tsukizuki Yoshi). Reunions! Same artist as the upcoming "Until I Meet My Husband" manga translation from Seven Seas.

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Dia 29 - Um mangá BL que devia ganhar anime

Love Nest

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Day 29 of by : A BL manga that should receive an anime

Satoru Kannagi & Yukine Honami's "Rin!"

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Day 29—A BL manga that should get an anime
Ohh hmm... Secret XXX/Therapy Game 10000% should. Like, please. I would love that so much.

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Day 28—A BL manga that is just bizarre
Um, 90% of the early 2000s manga? lmaaoooo But like also really. Do we need to talk about Level C?

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Dia 28 - Um mangá BL que você leu que era bizarro

Kimochi no Yukue
(MEIJI Kanako)

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Day 28
1- Meu Céu Estrelado
A relação dos dois foi tóxica por 10 anos, mesmo ficando juntos não dá pra sentir nenhum alívio tlg continua muito pesado, fora que o jeito que os dois se tratam é bizarro que chega dar uma gastura

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Dia 27 - Um mangá BL tão brilhante que te fez apreciar ainda mais o gênero


(se não me falha a memória, esse foi um dos primeiros que li, e que depois me fez procurar por outros mangás bl).

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Day 27
first and foremost: mdzs, because it introduced me to the danmei world. it was the first BL novel i read and thus started my descent into this hell (🖤)
others: Blood Bank (first i read that had a plot beside the romance), Given, MADK, spl, tgcf, ....

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27 - rethought the genre

Years ago, DMP published a vol of Guilt|Pleasure's "In These Words" and it was my first encounter w/ the dark side of BL. 😮 Made me realize I was interested in those stories too and also that people were making great BL everywhere.

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Day 27 of by : A BL manga so genius that made you rethink the whole genre

There are two who I think are worth noting - Mitsuaki ASOU's "Bitter sweet candy" (it subverts some annoying tropes) & Tomoki HORI's "At first sight" (for how it is drawn)

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Dia 26 - O melhor mangá BL publicado no seu país


(não é o melhor, mas foi o único que li).

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26 - best BL published domestically

To avoid more repeats, I'll say The Vampire and His Pleasant Companions. It's probably going to be my favorite manga (of any genre) of 2021. More people need to check it out! It's an oddball for BL, but it's so good.

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Day 26 of by : The best BL series published in your country

Natsuki KIZU "Given" and Yoneda KOU "Saezuru tori wa habatakanai" aka "Złamane skrzydła"

I honestly can't choose just one :o

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