I’ve worked on!

These being the most recent AAA/console titles I’ve worked on.

And honorable mention to the first game I worked on: Aliens Colonial Marines (lol!)

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I've worked on this past decade.
- Forza Motorsport 3/4/5/6
- Bioshock Infinite
- Cancelled project (3.5yrs) Wargaming Seattle
- Amazon's Crucible

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I've been beyond fortunate to have had a chance to work on some seriously high caliber titles in my 12 years in the games industry, these undoubtedly being the cornerstones (I'm gonna go ahead and count Henry, it was 100% game production, just no controller)

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Hard to pick out of 20+ games in 13 years. A lot of those are Monopoly games, but these are the four projects that taught me the most as a video game writer.

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9 years in the game industry.
worked on 8 games. 6 shipped.
These are The most important ones to me.

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In chronological order Ive worked on as content qa, tech qa, (cheat one as I touched all Blizzard games to some capacity as art producer and archivist) and last one as Producer.

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My I've worked on!

You can play them for free on your mobile devices! 💖😘

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Some stuff I've had the chance to work on over the years. 👀

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I have worked on;

My first ever was Final Fantasy Dimensions 2 for iOS. So happy that Square Enix gave me a chance to break in.
Octopath Traveler was the biggest game i was on at Square.
Modern Warfare is no doubt the biggest overall.
Apex Legends is a great place to be.

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VALORANT is technically the 10th game I’ve shipped, which is a pretty crazy milestone.

Here’s I’m really proud of:

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I have worked on 🎮( in Ubisoft as a concept artist and in Gameloft as am art director )

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Here are the I've spent the most time developing Each has come with their own unique set of challenges. Remote team indie massive success, to Viacom influenced DLC, then a completely new IP in a new engine that was a commercial flop, to big old blizzard, now remote again

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So I'm most proud of.
CoD 2 BRO - you never forget your first.
MW2 - Learning what making games should be like.
Titanfall 2 - Lead designer on the campaign. Team firing on all cylinders.
Apex - Great team. First live service, f2p game. Promoted to Director. Having fun!

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Here are i worked on!
I'm still new in the game industry and it's not as impressive as other people in the tag. (but i'm still very proud!)

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I'm actually quite proud I've worked on so many really great though the most recent - - is important for me as it signalled my (maybe) permanent shift to

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These are that I've worked on as a Sound Designer . There are five more on my portfolio though (kudos to all freelance people out there, I feel you)

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These are I've worked on.

Discovered my niche.
Assumed responsibility.
Learned a lot.
Lived in a mall.

How has it only been 9 years?

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