Made this OC with emoji prompts. I think she smells like the spill tray of a 7eleven slurpee machine. I kinda like this thicker line style. Might include it as an option for Commissions again maybe not
Lemme know.

3 48

Hom many dumplings in this pic? What is your fevorite flavour in 7-11?

7 23

Lazy to draw pants. Change line's color into green that is 7-11 theme.

1 6

It's actually the 7Eleven Japanese exclusive gear from the campaign not long after the game launched lol

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I heard Haru Okumura has an 8 pack, that she's shredded. That she's ready to meet Sugimura at the 7eleven parking lot at 9 for a beat down.

1170 5807


Stunt Coordinator: Thomas Robinson Harper
Fight Coordinator: Chris Carnel
Fight Choreographers: James Young and Sam Hargrave
Previz Camera/Editor: Aaron Toney and James Young

280 496

Happy Birthday, Whitney! Enjoy your slurpee!

1 3

อร้ากกก คู่นี้ต้องวาด

246 156

My local 7eleven = smoker's pit stop, Japan's local 7eleven = chocoholic + collector's stop. *sigh*

4 18