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We are excited to welcome the work of Zurich-born painter Mathias Rusch (1927-2003) to #AsyncArt 🎉
The collection of work, "OUR FATHER IN THE METAVERSE," comprises Rusch's series, "Our Father," now presented by his son, Mathias Jr., in partnership with @edgeandpace.
(Pt. 1)
Today's #CapeDorsetGraphics post is "Owls Enveloped" by Kenojuak Ashevak (1927-2013), from 2004
Today's #CapeDorsetGraphics post is "Resplendent Owls" by Kenojuak Ashevak (1927-2013), from 2005
Today's #CapeDorsetGraphics post is "Iqalutsaviak (Beautiful Fish)" by Kenojuak Ashevak (1927-2013), from 2005
ブガッティ タイプ41"ロワイヤル"(1927-33 フランス)
ブガッティがロールスロイスに対抗すべく送り出した史上最大級の乗用車。ボディ全長は6.4m、重量は3.2tと非常に大型。エンジンは巨大な12.7Lの直8 SOHCを搭載し約300馬力を発生。世界恐慌のあおりを受け、わずか7台の生産に留まった。#車小噺
Today's #CapeDorsetGraphics post is "Gold Fish" by Kenojuak Ashevak (1927-2013), from 2006
Today marks the 3rd anniversary of the broadcast of Episode 927-928: The Scarlet School Trip. It was also during this time that Ran Mouri and Shinichi Kudo announced their relationship.
Today's #CapeDorsetGraphics post is "Peaceful Repose" by Kenojuak Ashevak (1927-2013), from 2007
commission for Bazi @/BaziGoreMagala and Norwok @/Norvok3,
gotta feed the Magala some taco :3c
thank you both for commissioning me!
commission for Abyssal Lagiacrus @/Lagiacrus_SSB and Tyran,
a tank Tigrex! very fun to draw XD
Tyran also made a video with bgm here : https://t.co/GkgkPmVAsV…
please do check it out, it’s very cool!
thank you both for commissioning me!
Today's #CapeDorsetGraphics post is "Vigilant Owl" by Kenojuak Ashevak (1927-2013), from 2007
Giorgio de Chirico - Cavalli in riva al mare (Horses by the sea), 1927-28.
Today's #CapeDorsetGraphics post is "Red Fox" by Kenojuak Ashevak (1927-2013), from 2012
[P. C.] 210927-1 #漫画 #新楓之谷 #메이플스토리 #MapleStory #メイプルストーリー #ビーストテイマー(メイプルストーリー) #幻獸師 https://t.co/1QCuDtSzmM
Each Thursday we will be highlighting one of the many pieces in the Colchester Art Society Permanent Collection.
Andrew Dodds (1927-2004)
Peak District, 1976, Pen and watercolour on paper, 10 ¼ x 13 ¾ in, Signed and dated
[CAS 33] Acquired in 1977
الهادي آدم 1927-2006م:
شاعر سوداني شهير, صاحب قصيدة (أغدا ألقاك) التي غنتها أم كلثوم
له عدة دواوين أشهرها (كوخ الأشواق) الذي عده النقاد من أفضل ما قدم للأدب وللمكتبة السودانية
كتب في مجالات الإبداع الأدبي الأخرى، وأشهر ما كتب في هذا المضمار
مسرحية باسم (سعاد)
Loons Protect the Owl, 2002 - stencil, stonecut on tissue © Kenojuak Ashevak (1927-2013) - Collection of the Vancouver Art Gallery