Where’s my OG Crew at???

Show me yours down below ⬇️ who’s been here since mint!?!?

23 79

A Zombie Thriller has entered the room. Welcome 💥Team Phenomenal💥 5522 💥🦍💥 to for the assist!

18 39

OG purchase alert. I’ve been in negotiations with this the contract has been finalized, welcome to the team.

16 64

Might just be snipe if the year!!! Super hype about this. Eat Your Heart Out 3583

11 40

Loving my so much OG need some attention from momma

10 32

💥Confirmed Snipe💥I am now officially apart of the ruby gang gang

34 136

Giving away this genesis. Minted it and will be hard to let go but hey, life is hard.

- Like and retweet
- Follow and me
- Tag some worthy friends!

Winner announced after 1k retweets!

251 327

Mad props to for the deal on a trait only 100 in the whole collection - let’s go 🔥🚀

8 18

Fire & Ice 💥🦍💥 Gang Gang!!!! for the my yellow Queen!!!!! Totally stoked!!!!! 💥🙌💥

11 42

Wanted to thank everyone on our amazing team ❤️ and our fantastic for all the love and support. 💯❤️❤️ we sold out🚀 and we are about to go to the next level of bringing Web 2.0 to 3.0 so get ready for the exciting ride.

101 271