"There is the seed of growing ideas here, and it’s a tragedy that those fresh shoots have been uprooted so violently"

Hot on the heels of the authors arrest, Rob Frazer reviews the act-age manga from


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act-age manga from has been cancelled due to the arrest of the author, Matsuki Tatsuya:


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Fk man. Call me dramatic, but I was really looking forward to the day these two would dominate the pages of Jump.

Please support , she really doesn’t deserve any of this.

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It suddenly ended.

Everything is not always completed nicely, sometimes Ending is coming all of a sudden.

Act-Age episode 123 was finished as usual, but new episode will never come to us...😭

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【Reaction against Act-Age incident 】

Pls keep creating it doing art and writing altogether!

Support Usazaki! It's hard to do everthing alone from now!

I think this is happening because of cultural difference between Japan and west.

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Shueisha has now officially cancelled the publication of Act-Age

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Vous l'avez peut-être déjà vu mais je tiens à le préciser vu qu'on y pense pas forcément. C'est Tatsuya Matsuki le scénariste d'Act Age qui est problématique. La dessinatrice Shiro Usazaki elle, a dû découvrir ça comme nous tous.

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Apparently Act-Age manga has been selling better ever since the author Tatsuya Matsuki has been arrested for his indecent act.

Many bookstores owners reported that most of volumes are currently out of stock.

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I hope Act-Age artist Shiro Usazaki keep drawing manga even if Act-Age get terminated.

I believe her art could make manga more fabulous like Yusuke Murata, artist of and

All of Act-Age fans are waiting for your wonderful art😭

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I am very sad and disappointed about all the news regarding the Act-Age author. My heart goes out to the victims and the artist Shiro Usazaki, I hope this issue will be handled appropriately.

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Illustration of Act Age is AWESOME!

I strongly love the illustration of Act Age, especially the eyes are amazing.

Please please please don't be end...😭

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L'auteur du manga Act-Age arrêté pour agressions sexuelles sur mineures : https://t.co/pveteDuxWU

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[📄Notícia — Animystic]

Tatsuya Matsuki, autor do popular mangá Act-Age da Weekly Shonen Jump, foi preso pelo departamento de polícia por abusos contra uma garota adolescente (a idade da jovem consta que ela está na faixa de 10~19 anos)

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Excluding Yonagi, there are only 4 Act-Age characters who got solo color page.
- Akira Hoshi (Scene 44)
- Takemitsu Karasuyama (Scene 92)
- Satsuki Meino (Scene 110)
- Ren Tamaki (Scene 122)

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Act-Age chapter 122 color page.

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