3/3 Do you see why I split this up? I'll post the full piece as well and we hope our fans enjoy this Amazing Art!
"Six Versus One Spider" (Left)

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I gave you a of this Commission yesterday and today I'm sharing it in 3-Parts, because this piece was created to be a 9-Panel. That's 33"×51".
"Six Versus One Spider" (Right)

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마블 코믹스 어메이징 스파이더맨 그웬 커버 작업입니다.

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Predator/Spider-Man variant cover;
Amazing Spider-Man Out today.
A new Spider-Man costume debuts.
BUY NOW-> https://t.co/7b9izEORWR
Hot comics arriving today-> https://t.co/qK6k0MzROZ

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Recent issues of have seen Peter get a surprising new ally in the form of Norman Osborn. Now the story of Spider-Man's new Oscorp suit is finally becoming clearer.

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Admito que al principio me choco mucho esta peli, pero con el tiempo pude verla como algo diferente a la anterior trilogía, Andrew es un muy buen spider-man y su relacion con Gwen es hermosa, el mundo que rodeaba a esta historia daba para mas.

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Y para terminar las 2 peli de de Andrew Garfield
remarco que esta son opiniones de las pelis. los tres para mi son excelentes como el personaje, esta es mi opinión sobre la historia de las pelis.

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The latest run of by and is pushing the wall-crawler to his physical limits in a way that reminds readers not only of how dangerous his enemies are, but also how dedicated the hero is to fighting evil.

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Spider-Man Redesign V3
1. Peter Parker
2. Year One
3. Classic suit
4. Symbiote

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I’m a simple person, I watch the amazing spider man movies and then I draw andrew garfield spiderman
This was a lot of fun! I want to get better at translating real life references into my style, and these turned out pretty good!
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