画質 高画質

'I'll read my and I'll drink and I'll listen to and I'll bolt the door.’ ~J.D. Salinger

Sevelle the (https://t.co/GPiZ4AtQnh)

1 3

美味しいドーナツをいっぱい食べさせたい( ˘ω˘ )

4 59

New Drop Just Came Out 🐵

5 Items, Each Attributed

2 $matic/w smart contract (standart Polygon Token)

Buying 15 Nfts and giveawaying 20 Matic After Sold out

Next 5 item Very soon ⏰

Link : 👇

34 36


I set pretty low prices for now cuz I haven't done it for a while, and you are a small crowd, I want to see how it goes :)

There are standart options, but I'm all in if you have an idea and would like something different❤️

10 43

" Como ausencia extendida,

como campana súbita,

el mar reparte el sonido del corazón,

lloviendo, atardeciendo, en una costa sola,

la noche cae sin duda, y su lúgubre azul

de estandarte en naufragio se puebla

de planetas de plata enronquecida."

Pablo Neruda

84 61