画質 高画質

'I'll read my and I'll drink and I'll listen to and I'll bolt the door.’ ~J.D. Salinger

Sevelle the (https://t.co/GPiZ4AtQnh)

1 3

美味しいドーナツをいっぱい食べさせたい( ˘ω˘ )

4 59

New Drop Just Came Out 🐵

5 Items, Each Attributed

2 $matic/w smart contract (standart Polygon Token)

Buying 15 Nfts and giveawaying 20 Matic After Sold out

Next 5 item Very soon ⏰

Link : 👇

34 36


I set pretty low prices for now cuz I haven't done it for a while, and you are a small crowd, I want to see how it goes :)

There are standart options, but I'm all in if you have an idea and would like something different❤️

10 43

" Como ausencia extendida,

como campana súbita,

el mar reparte el sonido del corazón,

lloviendo, atardeciendo, en una costa sola,

la noche cae sin duda, y su lúgubre azul

de estandarte en naufragio se puebla

de planetas de plata enronquecida."

Pablo Neruda

84 61


"Kindness perceived as weakness gets cast out the door
Tendencies to vacillate creates chinks in your armour
Resolutely walk the tight rope ~ lest your knees hit the floor"



0 5