When you want to work on everything but the comic that you need to update soon.

0 12

Had some issues with the background cus it was too vibrant, tried to add a clip layer on multiply with a grey fill but it wasn't very helpful. Still my new lock screen though

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When you have an illustration idea but you can’t make it work on paper.

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I did lineart first but it didn't feel consistent with my other art...ugh....#artproblems

0 3

Wtf is wrong with twitter when it comes to images. Look at this shit.
Right: The image
Left: Screenshot of same image.

3 7

When you think your painting is going good, and then you flip the image.

0 2

Update from tonight's stream... still sooooo much work to do :(

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When you realize you've been drawing on the wrong layer for over an hour

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Started working on a new but it was so late... i hate to be when it's time to go to

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Any tips/suggestions on how to improve this are much appreciated!

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Can u paint with all the colours of last minute desperation?

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