Not my favorite Mamoru Oshii work but - Patlabor: The Movie - is still worth watching for the animation and setting alone. They really don't make anime like this anymore isn't it? 80s and 90s look farther and farther away and it's a real pity...
12月17日は泉 野明さんのお誕生日です。おめでとうございます。
ARL-99 "Helldiver" has this novel 'mecha-paratrooper' aesthetic that has an awesome screen presence in the first Patlabor film 's intro.
estas son las primeras que me vinieron a la cabeza, pero definitivamente hay mas:
Patlabor (la serie de TV mas que nada)
Majestic prince
Giant robo
Gundam 00 https://t.co/DmhYR0Dn2B
I'm just saying that if you think of Korra as canon, because it recons world building, you have to assume Avatar was wrong about a lot of things.
Canonicity aside though.
AtLaB has Jin in it. And I honestly find her more charming a character than the entire LoK cast.
楽しい1日になりますように( *´꒳`*)🐬
Good morning✨
Splatlab from 20 o'clock today!!!
I hope you have a good day ( * ́꒳`*)🐬
@Cosmikaizer I still preparing on my story's setting but here few i think quite presentable.
My mecha design for this setting takes inspiration from Front Mission, and maybe a bit from Patlabor, Paolo Parente's Dust and BF 2142.
Model: Experimental Labor Type J-9 ("Griffon")
Debut: #Patlabor: The TV Series
Year: 1989
Designer: Yutaka Izubuchi
Masami Yuki (ゆうき まさみ) from "The Mobile Police Patlabor - Air" (08/1993)
I did post her a while a back, but I'd be a fool not to ride the Patlabor wave at least for a day ❤️