dUCk Menawarkan Kopi Percuma Serta Diskaun 15% Untuk Pembelian Di Kedai Sempena PRU15

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min. buy 50k dpt stikel di luar nalar n hutao ghost! (berlaku kelipatan)
min. buy 100k dpt artprint si kembar~ (kali ini inc cardboard keraz gais🥲, gk berlaku kelipatan)

pembelian harus ada item genshinnya yaa

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That's why she takes so long denying her feelings for Sabelian, or ignoring the obvious signs of his feelings. It's a way to protect herself from a potential harm. She once confessed to her crush, only to hear from him later that he "almost shit on his pants bc she was a pig"

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sabelian blushing is one of my fave types ☺️

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Jubel with her hamster? (rat actually)🐁🐀🐁🐀

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Hello Youthfulspear disini~ kami akan menjual merchandise dari fandom mahoyaku dan twisted wonderland Cek katalog kami untuk CF-15 di booth G-02b.

Catatan : stok terbatas kami hanya menerima pembelian pada saat on the spot

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No but imagine disliking him??? How could such a sweetheart get hate?

This household doesn't accept Sabelian slanders ❗

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'After a friendly night greeting, I closed my eyes. And I repeated my nickname to myself. Bibi, Bibi. Sabelian's voice seemed to ring in my ears. I never knew my nickname was so sweet. Even when I closed my eyes, the whole world felt bright and warm'

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Meet Fabelian Cherubi and its new evolution Cherrath! Cherrath doesn’t have two forms like its sinnohian counterpart Cherrim.

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Sabelian's imagination out of context

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Sabelian y Abby son tan lindos ❤️

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And some Painting Practice with Belianara, who might be one of my oldest characters? Amazing that finally I actually draw her.

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New Fabelian Pokémon! Fabelian Deino evolves into the new Pokémon Zweino, which then evolves into Bombreino! This is the first time a middle stage gets a new Pokémon instead of a regional variant!

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The current state of things in two quotes:

Abby: "Nooo, Sabelian's so sexy!"

Sabelian: "How could someone not be interested in Abigail!?"

I'm sooo ready to watch their attraction to each other going harder and harder 👁️

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Sabelian Chester
being jelly of
a lil animal

[Verite was in the mirror in his bunny form 😭]

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Sabelian está celoso de un espejo y hasta de un conejo 😂

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by &

ini bonusan buat semua pembelian LKS bajifuyu ya, premium ampe rasanya ini beli PC gratis doujin jadinya 🤣

masih ada bonusan lain yg bakal di reveal besok.
so pantengin ya bunda 💋
pls Rts, Thx 💋

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When Sabelian was completely stressed with all the estate affairs and suddenly his face lit up because he saw his family waiting for him🥺💜💜💜

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Reworked the Fabelian Glameow line and changed the pose as well as the name of its evolution Purretty.

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le restaurant et font des trucs moins légaux sur le côté.

Après on a le diplomate et son assistant, Samaël et Belian. Sam a une tête d'enfant mais est en fait un politicien plutôt reconnu. Il hésite pas à s'entretenir avec des gens moins respectables si besoin (il connait bien

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