The Cailleach's reign has begun. Master of winter, she is stern and hard but she is a wisdom-giver. The weight of wisdom is a stone about the neck, but those willing to use winter to reflect and plan, and are generous, gain wisdom and bounty.

🖼: M.T. Caya

10 42

Caraleen and Cailleach deserve to be here too

0 1

Thank goodness you are here.
I didn’t expect you to let me in so willing, who were you expecting?
Are you not one of the folk? I sent a message, she is possessed.
She is not possessed just very spoiled but I’ll take her anyway, no charged. hissed the Cailleach

1 5

I can lyrical about her use of light & shade, the strength & power project by her art.
The Cailleach is waxing again.
You mean boring for Scotland Again!
She’s heard, not mice AGAIN!!
No, frogs, cackled the Divine Hag with a wave of her hand. Ribbit 🐸

1 3

What are we brewing? Asked Natasha
A potion to reduce ‘Question Time’ to 10 minutes, replied The Cailleach
Sounds complicated, queried Morgaine
Just a wee anti-#prevaricate brew.
More time for our new show - strictly by moonlight?
Not that again, Rasputin. Who let him in?

3 10

In lore Bride, Princess of Summer, is enslaved by the Cailleach, hag goddess of winter. After many months, Bride is given snowdrops by kindly Father Winter. Upon seeing these the hag is enraged, as they mean her reign is coming to an end. Img: CB

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- Winter Folklore: Traditions and Customs of the Cailleach Bheur - Under the influence!

3 8

The Welsh Cyhyraeth is mythological Wraith (Similar to the Irish banshee and Scottish Cailleach) The Cyhyraeth's wail is a portent of death. The Cyhyraeth also sounds for the Welsh dying far from home and her weeping may fortell epidemics or disaster

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Cailleach roams free during Samhain in Ireland and Scotland. She is a crone with no patience for anything. She carries a huge hammer to destroy everything she sees.

It is said that she created many places, including Ceann na Caillí ('The Hag's Head').

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We enter the Cailleach's time of year, when the winter woman reigns over the earth and nothing grows. She is portrayed as a trickster in Scottish and Irish tales, sometimes cruel in her winter winds, but she brings bounty too, and wisdom always.

🖼: J. Brideson

11 35

Kandinsky composed with paint. He believed that colours represented notes.
So you can his paintings?
I suppose so, if you knew the correct order.
Hmmm perhaps he left a clue?
Not again, Professor Langdon not everything is code or cypher
You would say that Cailleach

1 7

The Botach is a trickster or bogeyman figure in Gaelic folklore and mythology. The bodach "old man" is paired with the cailleach "hag, old woman" in Irish legend

1 2

bodies aka The Nude is not fav topic in Russian art, unlike across Europe from onwards. I always wondered why? The Cailleach shook her heid & muttered - dae ye ken how cauld it gets there?? Ye would have tae pose withoot yer simmit nae doot in a draft

5 16

My favourite colour is blue so I love Blue Period, &, Nocturne.
That’s very interesting but I’m a selling these Bibles
Oh, I thought you said love his ‘Rhapsody in Blue’ - now be gone The Cailleach cackled

4 23

Hebrides,Cailleach or Gobhar Bhacach ("Lame Goat")was an ambiguous figure.A farmer who finished harvesting might throw it into fields of neighbour who had not finished.Regarded an insult, so violence/bloodshed erupted as a result.

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Brigid's day represents Goddess of Spring taking over from Cailleach goddess of winter. If Cailleach intends to make winter last a longer, she will make sure the weather is sunny, so she can gather firewood to keep herself warm during winter.

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"Hear my cries, Cailleach of the storm,⁠
Nicnevin underground,⁠
Brigid leave your flowers and⁠ come to me."⁠

Watch as the olde gods of Great Britain return in their terrible glory. Experience and the Bloody Queen.

3 12

In old lore Bride, the Princess of Summer, is enslaved by the Cailleach, hag goddess of winter. Bride is given snowdrops by kindly Father Winter, which she shows to the hag, who is enraged as they mean her reign is coming to an end. Img: Cicely Barker

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Cailleach – the dark mother is a goddess of winter, appearing as an old one-eyed hag with a magical hammer. She creates mountains, brings storms, and protects wild animals such as deer and wolves.

13 32

Welcome, Cailleach ... Ancient Spirit of our Land ... ✨

Known by many names ... Olde Names that only the Wind and the Trees can pronounce ...

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