So. Good things. Good things. Um. Yo, how about that DLC for Like. That music gets me pumped every time and I am terrible at Dead Cells but it's a great game.

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Hace poco empecé a jugar Dead Cells y me dieron ganas de dibujar al prisionero con una de las armas más fuertes del juego.

2 6

I offer
old Dead Cells x FNAF SB doodles
thinking of redrawing them and finishing the pixel art lol

5 39

Idk the animation of the charged katana attack looks so fun with flying leaves n such so i drew sth based on that 🍂

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I've got a night cap and a lot of determination today !
We'll be live with in a few minutes !

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Dead Cells • The Queen

17 67

Jugué celulitis muertas y csmre q gOd es el búho

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ついでに買った横スクロールアクションローグライクのHaveANiceDeathもアーリーアクセスの癖に日本語訳もかなりイカしたテンションで、「カンパニーマン 社畜の下剋上」と「HollowKnight」と「Deadcells」を足してる感じ。文章はケミカルXとかネタだらけだし、お前ぜったいトイストーリーで見たぞ。

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