"Everything is okay? Should I call Wedge?"
Lool, Rey teasing Poe is classic👌

"Slow down, Rey? Never say that to a pilot!" 🔥😈🔥

Can't wait to see a full story tomorrow 😍

1 12

Rey and Poe in X-Wings💓

Lol she expected to go to the mission with him, she thought she is great as pilot enough, but he brought her on training 🤣

Their bickering about their teachers is killing me 😍

2 14


I should have released it two days ago,But China has walls,So…… I'm sorry I'm late……

3 22

So, Rey has features of Shara Bey – an example of ideal for Poe. Rey is damn alike Poe's first love – Zorii. Poe adores strong women and Rey is the strongest...

Rey is a woman of Poe dreams❤️, despite she freaks him out sometimes😅
He won't let her go.

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6. Yavin 4 and the Force tree.
Poe's family has the Force tree, maybe the last one in the Galaxy. It was given to Shara by Luke Skywalker. That tree is near Dameron house on Yavin 4 – green planet. Rey loves green and that tree may help her trainings.

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2. Shara Bey.
Shara is an example of ideal for Poe. And Rey personifies the image of Shara – her spirit, bravery, pilot skills. Also, both Shara and Rey don't consider themselves as heroes, are loyal to friends, don't like to be in the spotlight.

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Peacemakers Luke and Finn between two adult children, who are ready to kill each other or passionately kiss otherwise 😏 I bet kill was more possible in both cases🤣

1 21

Both Sana and Zorii didn’t succeed, because Leia and Rey are too badass 💪 That is why Han and Poe admire Leia and Rey. Badass queens 👑

2 10

Well, both Sana and Zorii wanted to sell Leia and Rey, but didn't succeed. And they wanted to do that to cover the loss that Han and Poe caused 👀

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Leia and Rey's reactions 🤣
It's not jealousy. But, imo, it's close to jealousy😏

1 10

The marriage was part of Sana and scam in order to pull off a robbery. However, Han made off with her cut of the robbery. So Sana wants to kick Han's ass. Just like Zorii wants to see Poe's brains on the snow😂

2 11

Did you know had a wife?
Sana Starros. She was criminal partner of Han, he left Sana and took her money. Sounds familiar? Poe left Zorri, that caused the loss too. Look at their outfits, even pattern is the same!

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Lol, really funny parallel. Han has green lightsaber. Poe has green light🔦 And Poe turns it on like lightsaber. What a dumbass🤣

6 29

Han&Leia and Poe&Rey could quarrel a lot (every time!), Leia/Rey could call Han/Poe "laser brain"/"difficullt man. But small hand touch or gentle hand squeeze tells all truth.

6 22

Well, people who say Poe and Rey don't like each other cuz they arguing all the time....well, lets remember what Han and Leia usually did all 3 years since their first meeting before the first kiss.

3 18

Sometimes artists make Shara and Rey VERY alike
Shara is a perfect hero for Poe. He admires her. And Rey personifies the image of Shara – her spirit, bravery, pilot skills.
Poe finally met his hero woman like he Mom was and he won't let her go ❤️

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D-O is Rey's droid (BeeBee made him for his Mommy Rey 🤗).
And I guess D-O found his Daddy 👀
BeeBee found Mom in Rey, D-O found Dad in Poe. family is complete 👌

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