Porg-tober Day 23 - Zorii (Porgs of Lore)

A porg with a helmet in place
It’s Zorii, she’s hidden her face.
She always lays low,
Tends to act like a shadow.
Just try not to get on her case.

On Porg Island, Zorii is a shy bean 😅☺️

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Zorii Bliss is one of those characters I would like to see again in the universe, I feel it has huge potential, the design is beautiful!

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Film 2 of the year 7/10 enjoyed it much more second time round. Might of been better if not so much had been squeezed into 1 movie and allowed to breath. Needed more and

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The marriage was part of Sana and scam in order to pull off a robbery. However, Han made off with her cut of the robbery. So Sana wants to kick Han's ass. Just like Zorii wants to see Poe's brains on the snow😂

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Did you know had a wife?
Sana Starros. She was criminal partner of Han, he left Sana and took her money. Sounds familiar? Poe left Zorri, that caused the loss too. Look at their outfits, even pattern is the same!

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