Chaîne : Darkows.
Sujet : Naruto et Boruto.
Nouvelle image de profil.

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Hello! My designation is DarkOwl V.28. An Android sent from a retroverse to recruit for an army of cyberpunk Knights!

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Hello! My designation is DarkOwl V.28. But you can call me Dark Nice to meet more colorful characters!

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Hello! My designation is DarkOwl V.28. But you can call me Dark Nice to meet more colorful characters!

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I just posted our TOP TEN editorial cartoons that were most reprinted in newspapers last week. Here's the most reprinted, by John Darkow. See them all at:

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Weird thoughts best thoughts, I just received my commission like hours ago and I couldn't be happier I'll be using this for DarkOwl

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All happy cartoons are alike, each unhappy cartoon is unhappy in its own way. Click here -- -- and see how, w/ &

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y han vuelto a abrir con a cargo, y muy distinta tarifa, el 'consultorio de Lucy'

+ ver. previas de John Darkow y


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I just posted the Top Ten most reprinted cartoons of the week - here's the cartoon, by John Darkow
See them all at:


4 9

How broken is the system? How much is the Senate's fault, or ours? Click here -- -- and join &

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See our best cartoons about the on civil rights – on my blog at:
Come look and retweet!

Cartoon by: John Darkow
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Przeprowadziłem "symulację" w Plague Inc. i jedyny kraj, który nie złapał wirusa to... Chiny. Tyle warte są prognozy na podstawie gier przeglądarkowych.

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Their size difference is the best thing 🐾🐞

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