Esta imagene se hizo viral cuando el virus del bola empezó a infectar a personas blancas. Ahora, ante el aumento de casos de sigue vigente la misma imagen.

631 2673

Dadle una calurosa bienvenida a Simón y a Ricardo Delmonte!

Si os gusta no olvidéis de darle a FAV y RT!!

32 55


Fidelmo doesn’t look too hot..
(Drawing from todays session)

4 6

Black Delmo : Agent Aika commission by Gabri--L()

17 34

A commission from a server of a friends character Delmor, the shifter and his companion Rune.

1 8

With my last post getting some love and it being for , I thought I’d give you another post of Blaire! 😉 She’s nearly finished.

0 4

Prince Mamemon X
Smiley Warhead
Delmo Walking

4 50

Aika VS White Delmo(Delmo Commander) by Gabri--L()

13 26

Got this from Pinterest, Artist is Pete Delmore (no infringement intended)

6 20

"Welcome to the bar, what can I get for you?"

I want to tease my new design so bad. But until we reach our next goal, enjoy this beautiful gift from @/DelmonteyTV


10 60

Aika VS Rie Petoriyacowa (Golden Delmo): AgentAika by Gabri--L

9 16

Skully and Delmore ^^

6 24