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Kicker digibash from Energon Sharkticon
A last gift from Alpha Q, Kicker joins his partner Ironhide as a Transformer! #digibash #transformers #energon #kicker #sharkticon #トランスフォーマー
Digibash of Generations Selects Super Megatron using Animated Megatron's colour scheme.
#transformers #digibash #transformersanimated
Digibash of WFC Earthrise: "Seeker" using Animated Clone 3370318's colour scheme.
#transformers #digibash #transformersanimated
Who wants me to digibash all these guys in their toy decos?
Rise of the Beast Apeface (Literally)
Definitely, it's one of the strangest digibash I've ever done xd
#Digibash #Transformers #ROTB #Apeface
Oh my what are these- I keep dropping digibashes all over this thread, how embarrassing, anyway now that they're here maybe look at them anyways?
Legacy Prime Universe Cliffjumper
I must say that I quite enjoyed making the zombie head.
#Digibash #Legacy #Cliffjumper #Transformers #Prime
Digibash of WFC Earthrise: Ramjet using Animated Ramjet's colour scheme.
#transformers #digibash #transformersanimated
Legacy GoBots Universe Cy Kill
The idea for this digibash was thanks to my friend @Conejelio
#Digibash #Transformers #Legacy #GoBots #CyKill
a thing I made awhile ago, but haven't posted here
my take on a #transformers chug Dinobot scorn
if this where to happen, I would picture swoop attaching to the back of the combine mode
#transformersphotoshop #photoshop #transformersdigibash #digibash #dinobots #edit
Legacy Metroplex in G1 colors.
For those who wanted a Metroplex G1 xd.
#Digibash #Transformers #Legacy #Metroplex
Minerva gets the Legacy treatment
#PortfolioDay ...? Ayyy I got some neat digibashes, check em out if you'd like. Reckon they're pretty sweet.
#digibash #transformers
Digibash of Studio Series 21 Starscream as an updated version of the ROTF Voyager Nebular Starscream.
#transformers #digibash
I definitely have mixed feelings about the Blitzwing Legacy figure....even so, that didn't stop me from making a digibash of the figure in Diaclone colors
#digibash #Transformers #Blitzwing #Diaclone
Digibash of Studio Series 14 Ironhide as an updated version of the ROTF Legends Enforcer Ironhide.
#transformers #digibash
Well, with the recent reveal of Hiss's Megatron tank on the G.I.Joe live, I wanted to make him a Digibash like Tarn, and honestly, I'm happy with the result xd
#digibash #Tarn #Transformers #GIJoe
@seafoodking7642 so do I
a lot of the monogram colors look need
I even did a Getter Dragon digibash in its model colors a long while back
really want to do this Grendizer recolor too
Wildwheel digibash from Siege Ironhide #transformers #digibash #wildwheel #ironhide #transformerssiege
Digibash of Studio Series 78 Sideswipe as an updated version of the ROTF Deluxe Strike Mission Sideswipe
#transformers #digibash