Kicker digibash from Energon Sharkticon
A last gift from Alpha Q, Kicker joins his partner Ironhide as a Transformer!

63 282

Digibash of Generations Selects Super Megatron using Animated Megatron's colour scheme.

34 176

Digibash of WFC Earthrise: "Seeker" using Animated Clone 3370318's colour scheme.

4 38

Who wants me to digibash all these guys in their toy decos?

6 35

Rise of the Beast Apeface (Literally)

Definitely, it's one of the strangest digibash I've ever done xd

27 187

Oh my what are these- I keep dropping digibashes all over this thread, how embarrassing, anyway now that they're here maybe look at them anyways?

0 4

Legacy Prime Universe Cliffjumper

I must say that I quite enjoyed making the zombie head.

13 51

Digibash of WFC Earthrise: Ramjet using Animated Ramjet's colour scheme.

9 49

Legacy GoBots Universe Cy Kill

The idea for this digibash was thanks to my friend

16 67

a thing I made awhile ago, but haven't posted here

my take on a chug Dinobot scorn

if this where to happen, I would picture swoop attaching to the back of the combine mode

24 143

Legacy Metroplex in G1 colors.

For those who wanted a Metroplex G1 xd.

91 573

...? Ayyy I got some neat digibashes, check em out if you'd like. Reckon they're pretty sweet.

11 61

Digibash of Studio Series 21 Starscream as an updated version of the ROTF Voyager Nebular Starscream.

3 15

I definitely have mixed feelings about the Blitzwing Legacy figure....even so, that didn't stop me from making a digibash of the figure in Diaclone colors

8 44

Digibash of Studio Series 14 Ironhide as an updated version of the ROTF Legends Enforcer Ironhide.

1 13

Well, with the recent reveal of Hiss's Megatron tank on the G.I.Joe live, I wanted to make him a Digibash like Tarn, and honestly, I'm happy with the result xd

80 505

so do I

a lot of the monogram colors look need

I even did a Getter Dragon digibash in its model colors a long while back

really want to do this Grendizer recolor too

0 5

Digibash of Studio Series 78 Sideswipe as an updated version of the ROTF Deluxe Strike Mission Sideswipe

6 24