rotb司令官 ⚠️擬人化

166 1474

ROTB デフォルメまとめた⚠️擬人化

223 1291


91 648


10 34

ビ覚ROTB ホイジャ 擬人化考え中

117 754

ビ覚ROTB 司令官 ⚠️擬人化

108 820

Optimus Primal (ROTB)

14 56

ROTB Autobots when Prime isn’t home….I hope. Idk I haven’t seen the movie yet

597 3195

Yay a new is coming so here’s some art including ’s Megs design, a few Rotb things (including wheeljack because I know how much he loves that design 😉) and my oc Scuubs

19 159

To all the TF fans upset about wheeljacks redesign in ROTB, may i present to you, the following:

If you're mad at wheeljack, why aren't we mad about bulkheads redesign? He used to be a green chopper! Or thrusts redesign in BWII? He was red not yellow! 😤

23 170

Optimus Primal and Transmetal Dinobot!

I honestly love Beast Wars, I love drawing it 😭💖

6 26