"I have a tendency to contradict myself, and I don't mind that. I fear things that make too much sense."
—Sylvie Fleury

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"I can't criticize the whole mechanism. But I can criticize it as an in spite of the fact that I benefit from it."
—Wangechi Mutu

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Art is the one place we all turn to for solace. We turn to it constantly... has saved my life on a regular basis.
―Carrie Mae Weems

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"Something about what it means to be a human being is most embodied in an area of paint."
–Mira Schor

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Marjorie Cameron was in
"I became associated with women who were all considered for... not following the chosen paths."

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"Mein Arbeitsprozess verläuft letztendlich immer gleich: Ich laufe umher, denke nach, zeichne und am Ende male ich."
—Finnish Anna Retulainen

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Naturalist & Maria Sibylla Merian was in
"Art & shall always be wrestling until they eventually conquer one another."

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"Every work of is an expression of an era and for that reason alone is it interesting."
—Jacoba van Heemskerck (1876–1923)

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