Mariupol is still holding out, slowing down the upcoming Battle of the Donbas.

They need help. Send the MiGs, all 39 of them.

729 3141

-Когда все закончится, мы посмотрим все фильмы, что пропустили
- С ведром попкорна?
- С ведром попкорна.

77 614

Před 2,5 lety jsem s ní seděla ve vlaku z Kyjeva na Donbas a vyprávěla mi, jak začala válka v Doněcku a jak s dětma utíkali.

Před pár dny utíkali znovu, tentokrát z Kyjeva. Její dcera o tom nakreslila tohle ➡️

Někdy tenhle svět fakt nenávidím.

13 78

Who believes this bullshit?
UA would have attacked Donbass with all your silly army waiting for a reason to invade?
We know your fans are really dumb but thank God they are not the majority.
Go to hell, criminals!

0 0

France declares war, joined by her ally Spain (Belarus). Louis XV sends an expedition to Danzig (the Donbas) where Stanislaus is holding out, but this quickly runs into trouble (long distance from France = long-outdated military equipment).

0 25

Bunker is designed as an MMO with a simulation of political and governmental systems. The USSR lost the space race, was disarmed, and took the path of peace and science. It is a pity that modern supporters of the USSR find these views hostile.

Btw, we are from Donbas 🇺🇦

11 177

ᅠ . •. ✶️ . ⁺ . ✶️ .
• Stupid war
. • Arranged a day of rest and decided to draw for myself and friends. As a result, such a chibik was drawn, now he carries tangerines to a friend in the Donbass ⁺ . ° .
° ✦ °.

1 12

К чёрту санкции! К чёрту нато! К чёрту нацистов. Горжусь быть русской.

F*ck the sanctions! F*ck Nato! F*ck nazis! I am proud to be Russian.

2 9

On 🇺🇦 Ukraine - 🇷🇺 Russia crises.

- Bide: Don't worry Backing YOU!
- Zelenski: ....!
- Putin: 🐻....

3 10

In a world of silence
There is no sound

In a world of secrets
There is no doubt

0 1


Infinito Mauro... tristissima e magnifica... 💔👏👏


No... il Carnevale non è uguale per tutti i i travestimenti forse... 😔

La è una !


oggi su

90 451