A cette époque, si les orcs naturellement verts ayant bu le sang une 1ère fois (yeux rouges), buvaient de nouveau le sang du démon. Alors leur peau devenait rouge. Créant les Gangr'orcs/Orcs du Chaos
-Grom Hellscream et le clan Warsong
-Clans orcs sur Draenor après W2

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My Draenei OCs, Reatos top left, Mierne bottom left, Alt Draenor Sinafay to right and Sinafay bottom right<3

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I don't think Warlords of Draenor was the worse expansion, but I do think it was the expansion with most wasted potential due to scrapped content. Among other things I am sad players never got access to the new Gorehowl model.

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I made a painting of Yrel o/ one of many characters I like in World of Warcraft! I am very curious to know what happened to her after Warlords of Draenor 👀hope you like it

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Artanis has a ship malfunction in his travels across the galaxy and ends up in the alternate Draenor timeline. After he crashes, Yrel pull him from the wreckage.

Do you know that such a pairing creates a Protoss with hoofs!?!

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Maybe that is how you held a gun in AU Draenor but this is Amer... I mean Azeroth! Get it together miss Orc!!

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MU Adra'tar and Mjornae never canonically met in Draenor/Shattrath but that doesn't mean I don't think about it anyway

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26: He has several flaws, but his biggest is probably selfishness and self doubt. Bringing Rue back from Draenor was an emotionally charged, selfish decision he still grapples with whether it was the right thing to do or not, and it probably won't be the last.

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Gram-Gram Bloodcrusher loves to bake cookies and regale the children of Orgrimmar with her battle stories from Draenor. Yes, little Billy, she DID cleave an opponent in twain! Want some milk with those cookies, dearie?

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“booty shorts w enemy of the state printed on the ass” alt-draenor edition

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Clan Sombraluna
Estuvo liderado por el chamán orco Ner'zhul, siendo el clan más poderoso en Draenor antes de su destrucción.
Aunque el clan Clan Sombraluna practicó el chamanismo tradicional orco,su líder, Ner'zhul prefería una versión mucho más oscura del chamanismo
AT/Tony Sart

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Homruk, my blackrock Weaponsmith. He's one of the Mag'har from alt Draenor, and now he's trying to cope with everything that has happened with his new Horde. He enjoys his crafting more than battles.

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My first proper OC is done! A black dragon named Negrasiox, whose disguise is known as Garommar Halfkin. They fought in the War of the Ancients before Neltharion's fall, but ended up trapped in Alternate Draenor for a long time...

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* big happy hug *
My Damera Crystmon main and fav OC 😊She was born in Draenor
Best color: turquoise
Retri paladin.
Husband is Mongrat, and mother of three beautiful children :3
Rathaan and Evaastra (boy girl twins) and and is now born Venmar

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He eventually inherited his father’s hammer, and then everything went down on Draenor. Eventually Shattrath happened and he lost his family. He had been somewhat devoted to the light up until then. He asked for their protection as the city was under siege and he lost them all.

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