Cameron let Farage paint the Tories into a corner, in 2015, and they've been stuck in that same corner, ever since. Five and half years! Five and a half bloody years :

4 16

The main beneficiaries of another four years of Trump are: corrupt libertarian billionaire fruitcakes; white supremacists; his utterly deranged kids; bananas who take the Bible literally; gun-nuts & mass shooters; misognynists; conspiracy theorists; & far-right dicks like Farage.

35 57

and also for 's my Vile Bodies piece with a guest appearance by Farage

4 9

Now here's a niche problem you might solve for me with your collective wisdom: tomorrow's Graun toon will feature, in the background, snakey Nigel Farage. Thing is, once he was the UKIP colours, then the Brexit Party - but what markings does he have now?

18 54

Me chamo Caio Ayres Farage

🤙🤙🤙 Gosto de desenhar OC's e personagens da Nintendo. Meu insta tem pouca coisa mas é legal, segue lá 😄

6 9

Katie Hopkins. Nigel Farage, Mogg and the hate-mongers... really should go visit Boris Johnson right now.

6 22

Alice in Wonderland is disturbing enough without Nigel Fat-Cat Farage Kevin!

1 2

True dat Brendan.
But Farage and Bozo aren't just stroking Trump's ego.

0 1

As requested: feel free to fill in the speech bubble with pearls of wisdom on the

2 6

Couple of recent I posted to my Instagram - putting them here if you don’t want to click them links!

0 1

Former Tory PM John Major is campaigning to stop Boris Johnson becoming Prime Minister.He wants people to

Backing Boris Johnson: Nigel Farage,Tommy Robinson & Donald Trump

Against: John Major,Kenneth Clarke & Michael Heseltine


91 124

Former Tory Prime Minister John Major is campaigning to stop Boris Johnson becoming Prime Minister. He wants people to

Backing Boris Johnson: Nigel Farage, Tommy Robinson & Donald Trump

Against: John Major, Kenneth Clarke & Michael Heseltine

113 145

Patrick Blower on hitting out at ex-Brexit Party MEPs over Tory support
- political cartoon gallery in London

5 13

2/ The contemptible is next up in my occasional 'Rogues Gallery'...

5 13