"Courage is not the absence of fear, but overcoming it"

668 3225

"Shoot me, daddy--I dare you."
Joi is a rogue AI who knows no fear, and she cannot be governed.

. a sketch that got out of control.

4 31

We're in peak fear, rightfully, as the macro conditions are terrible. However, the demand for is still there, this might be a hedge for now. NFA of course, the most secure right now is probably to keep cash for when the conditions will be better.

7 46

明日はいよいよファイナル、そして週末はやっと開催まで辿り着けたMEGA VEGAS🦁 Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegasのメンバー全員が最後まで怪我などなく無事に完走できますように✨

31 133

Why spread FUD when you can spread love and positivity? Let's leave the fear, uncertainty, and doubt in the past and focus on building a brighter and more inclusive future for all. Don't be a FUDster, be a hypebeast for good! 😎

8 19

芸人のアンガ田中さんとアキナの山名さんと、Fear, and Loathing in Las VegasのSo君👰🏽‍♂️✨メガベガスに行くのでテンションがあがってきた🫰🏾💕久しぶりのフェス🫶🏿

0 18

"The tiger lies low not from fear, but for aim."

Auction on right now for this 1/1 NFT 🐅

15 $XTZ - Link 🔻

Original Artwork Dimensions : 6144 x 6144

44 85

Chasing this rabbit into the new year!!!

Only feigning fear, Tiger!Black can catch me any time :3c

16 92

Attempted my first ever animation after reading ’s fic It’s the Fear, and Not the Ghost (That Leaves Me Haunted) on ao3! Everyone should go read it, it’s so fucking good!!!!!!!

4 26

Kisuhime turns into a little girl when she experiences a srong feeling that she can't handle (anger, fear, joy...)

She turns back to her "original form" after calming down. She's always ashamed for what she does/says during her "child form".

Kisu: don't look at me like that..

1 10

Los They are non-human demons described by the culture, manifested by collective fears and by sorcery. The more human the more complex the fear, they arise from the force

5 26

Last fire will rise behind those eyes.
Black house will rock, blind boys don't lie.
Immortal fear, that voice so clear.
Through broken walls, that scream I hear!

2 1

Friends, 🦅🌗🌊🫶😊

Liquid Vortex

Let us take a closer look at the surface here,
Your presence with me now, holds back the fear,
I can feel it more as I look for it less,
The land and sky, two opposite halves, are now one.


0 4

Friends, 🦅🌗🌊🫶😊

Liquid Vortex

Let us take a closer look at the surface here,
Your presence with me now, holds back the fear,
I can feel it more as I look for it less,
The land and sky, two opposite halves, are now one.

2 8

Cold? Have no fear, Pig Bear is here 🐽

0 2

Friends, 🦅🌗🌊🫶😊

Liquid Vortex

Let us take a closer look at the surface here,
Your presence with me now, holds back the fear,
I can feel it more as I look for it less,
The land and sky, two opposite halves, are now one.

5 26

I like the stories too. Although they are about scientists, they are unofficial retellings of their expeditions. They deal with love, loss, identity, fear, bravery, discovery, and SCIENCE!

Anyway, wish me luck. Send caffeine. ❤️💪

1 2

Hardlight construct whose render algorithms are still being worked on, half-alien botanist whose immortality isn't working right & is cultivating their planets lost species, monk who champions the embodiment of fear, reincarnating god of magic who loses their memory each time

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