It looks like this boy and this raven are dutifully following social distancing during this time of COVID-19. This illustration is from our copy of 'Deutsche Jugend: Neue Folge,' published in Berlin by Alphons Dürr in 1887. Learn more:

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George Ernest Shelley's "The Birds of Africa" (1896-1912) reviews more than 2,500 birds. The 57 hand-colored lithographic plates are after by Henrik Grönvold. All 5 volumes are freely available online in via ➡️

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For & celebrate the life & work of Elizabeth Gould, a talented and under-credited natural history illustrator. explains more: Images from "The Birds of Australia" via :

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I finished a painting of an Andean yesterday in Taking a break from design and uni work to get back to my favourite way to chill out🦩

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A Sea Bird Greg Peterson’s and John Balkwill’s 1991 printing of English poet Keith Douglas’s collection of poems entitled 'The Sea Bird.' Learn more here:

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Dalmatian (Pelicanus crispus) are the largest member of the species and can weigh up to 28 lbs (13 kg). by Edward Lear for The of V.5 (1837) by John Gould. In thanks to :

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Woodpeckers. These images are from the 1907 edition 'Bird-Life, A Guide to the Study of our Common Birds,' by Frank M. Chapman, with colored plates after drawings by the wildlife artist Ernest Thompson Seton. Learn more:

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"These Beautiful Birds dwell in a land where winter never comes." ☀️

This explore "Beautiful Birds in Far-Off Lands" (1872) by sisters Elizabeth and Mary Kirby, available in thanks to ➡️

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The first illustrated book published in Australia was about birds! John Lewin's "The Birds of New South Wales" (1813) was republished in a 3rd and 4th edition, which are in thanks to ➡️

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Emu chicken (Dromaius novaehollandiae) painted by AM Lecuona in 1861. The femlae leaves the male to incubate them on his own, and after they have hatched, the striped chicks are also looked after by the male.

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"The birds of Norfolk & Lord Howe Islands" (1928) contains 45 beautiful plates by Henrik Grönvold and Frederick W. Frohawk. Learn more about the process to digitize this from the Library for ➡️

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Only 225 copies of Gregory Mathews' "The birds of Norfolk & Lord Howe Islands" (1928) were produced. Marina Hunt & Brendan Bachman share their experience digitizing this for during a student placement at ➡️

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Mexican naturalist Rafael Montes de Oca's "Ensayo ornitologico de los troquilideos ó colibries de Mexico" (1875) describes 48 Mexican hummingbird species. Find it in thanks to ➡️

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Lilford's "Coloured Figures of the Birds of the British Islands" (1885-97) was illustrated with over 400 chromolithographic plates mostly after artworks by Archibald Thorburn & John Gerrard Keulemans. Explore all 7 volumes for via ➡️

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and of a veery (Catharus fuscescens). by Virginia Smith Jones for Illustrations of the and Eggs of of Vol. 2 (1886). View in with thanks to : --

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Happy The red-throated parrotfinch (Erythrura psittacea) is found in New Caledonia. by H. Goodchild for "The Avicultural Magazine", v. 8 (1901-1902). Contributed in via ➡️ 🐦

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Today we dedicate our post to these exceptional Corvids by Thomas Bewick. Bewick organizes these birds within a classification he calls “Birds of the Pie Kind.” Learn why here:

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Happy Channel-billed (Scythrops novaehollandiae) are brood parasites, which means they lay their eggs in others' nests. by J. Gould & H.C. Richter for Gould's Birds of Australia, V.4 (1848) via & :

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This week’s post is all about the vulture! We have four colorful vultures to share from the 'Album of Abyssianian Birds and Mammals' with paintings by Louis Agassiz Fuertes, published as a portfolio by the Field Museum in 1930.

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